Step Twenty-Two: Cracking

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i'm not too keen on the latest bts trilogy, more partial to the whole 2016+early 2017 era... but my man Seokjin really blew me out of the water with the jintro. i've been waiting years. still quaking over it tbh.

this chapter is angst wrapped in a tinfoil package. enjoy, because it hurt writing it.


Jihoon isn't cleared right away, and we have to take him to the actual hospital for proper attention after leaving the store. His Doctor remains with us for the afternoon, Euijin and Jisung however stepping aside at Jihoon's wish.

They both text me furiously for most of our time at the hospital, as do the other members after the blog posts hit the news. I consider calling Jihoon's mother for him, but even asking the question puts him on the verge of another breakdown, so I just pocket the idea. The only person he accepts a call from during his check-up is Nayoung.

Much to my dismay, he talks with her for over an hour, crying into the phone with her. I know why they're so close, and it shouldn't upset me to the extent that it does. But my reckless and lovesick heart refuses to deal with their close relationship easily.

It isn't until we arrive at my apartment in the early evening that I feel myself fully relax. My members are all home, though they don't hover as we merely wave and head towards the bedrooms. Euijin gives me a questioning glance, and that's as close to conversation as we get. He receives a small nod in reply, and I hope he understands that I mean for him not to worry too deeply over today's events.

"I'm sorry for ruining your birthday," Jihoon says as we stumble into my room. The both of us are beyond the point of exhaustion, differing reasons bringing on such fatigue, but exhausted all the same.

"You didn't ruin anything," I tell him quietly, falling onto my bed with a groan. "I can honestly tell you that this has been a more exciting birthday than the last few have been."

He slouches against my bed beside me, sprawling across my side like a blanket. "You were kinda funny today," he comments, his cheek pressed against my shoulder hard enough to muffle his speech.

"What d'you mean?" I peek down at him, using my arm as a pillow. "I didn't see you laughing very much."

He snickers, jabbing a finger into my side. "I mean before the whole big thing. When we had everyone sing Happy Birthday to you. You got so red." His voice hikes up a bit, mocking me playfully despite the dark edge around his eyes.

I smile to myself, my eyes drifting shut as I relax into the hard surface of my bed. I've gotten used to the thin mattress mat now, my muscles finding solace in the solid inch of cushion. "Well now we all know how I feel about big surprises."

He sighs at that, rolling off me and settling at my front. I don't peel my eyes apart, aware by the breaths hitting my face that he's facing me. "I'm still sorry about everything after that, though. I didn't mean to go rogue."

I'm surprised to hear a crack in his voice, and I fight my own fatigue to pull both eyes open and look down at Jihoon. "And I'm still not accepting any apology for something that isn't your fault." He frowns up at me, my own lips turning up at the ends. "Move over so I can get the blanket," I mutter, trying to shuffle my legs about to grasp my comforter.

"I'll just keep you warm," he says lazily, scooting closer and wrapping his arms around me. I feel my arm lift in surprise, my eyes staring down as his head settles against my chest cozily.

I still shuffle the blanket up my legs, grasping it with the arm I've still got free and pulling it over the both of us. "I think you forget that I'm bigger than you," I whisper as the blanket settles, the scent of fabric softener hitting us in a small wave.

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