As long as.. (namgi)

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Warning:Self harm and suicide

Namjoon POV:

As I stared at the couple in the distance, I smiled sadly and said to myself,"as long as he's happy i'm happy."
He stared back at me with his gummy smile as he continued to cuddle with his new boyfriend ,Jimin, I let out a shakey sigh as i left the living room heading to the bathroom. I stared at the mirror and let out a sob,"no wonder he didnt choose me im just some waste of space crying over some boy." I grabbed a razor from the cuoboard by the sink and let out a sad smile, "as long as hes happy im happy." I began to cut the blood oozing out as i began add more cuts. "Maybe i should die.."

Yoongi POV:

I stared at my boyfriend ,Jimin, as we cuddled and i saw namjoon in the distance staring at us so i decided to be nice and give him a smile ; im glad hes happy as he smiled back at me with his cute dimples poking out but something was different.I smiled looking lovingly at my sleepy Jimin, "so cute.." I heard a door close as i looked up and  namjoon was gone ,"maybe he went to his bedroom?" i thought combing jimin's hair. I got up from my position and remember all those times i had with namjoon remembering him smile and laugh made my heart flutter "stop yoongi you have a boyfriend" i said to myself.

Namjoon POV:

i stared at the picture of yoongi and i," i wish we were more than friends," i thought and wrapped my arms in bandages. I went to my studio and started to work on a new song to please my fans so i wouldnt be called talentless and useless to the group.

(Hours later)

I thought ,"what happens if i was gone, would they care?" I stared to cry yoongi is better off without me maybe i really should die..I grabbed a note and wrote "As long as your happy im happy" on it. I wished that yoongi was still happy with jimin and not me and even if i disappear i (j)hope he remembers me.
I decided to call Yoongi:

                                               H..hi Yoongi

Namjoon when are u
coming back?!?

Its already so late!
                                              just wanted to
                                            say love u.

When he ended the call,he smiled and swalloed a bottle of pills.Darkness filled his vision as he smiled for the last time hopin he can be happy once again.

No one POV:

As the called ended, yoongi was shocked on what he had heard was namjoon telling the truth? and how long did he loved him? questions filled his mind as he rushed to find namjoon to sadly REJECT his confession. When the older rapper when to RM's studio, he knocked but no response he opened the door and his face paled.. "JOONIE!" he screamed and it was loud enough to wake the other members one by one entering the room to see whats going on.Once everyone was there, they quickly saw namjoon and a pool of blood as they tried to help him and get him to the doctor but they knew it was too late..

(Years later)

Yoongi POV:

"hi joonie" i whispered as i placed a flower infront of his grave "i missed you" he wanted to tell him how much he loved him but he feelings back then weren't the same as the youngers.He stared at the sky and smiled and whispered"as long as your happy im happy.."


Woah that was alot 607 words damn thats alot for me on a first story..
Hoped u enjoyed that :D

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