permanent for a reason

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i walked up to the the building as i opened the door walking inside. They weren't too busy today which was good. i can't believe im nervous despite the three times I've came here but today is special..this will change a lot. well not for me but for y/n.

i don't know how she'll react. sad , happy, angry ?

but I honestly don't care...I know this is the right decision. I've been wanting to do it for so long but something was throwing me off focus.

"Adam! how you been bro." Jase called as I smiled shaking his hand.  "im great man .. couldn't be better."  He chuckled shaking his head.

he wrapped the girls arm and took her to the front to pay. i got lost in my thoughts when he called me up. i cautiously made my way over to the chair as I sat down taking a deep breath.

"what you going for today Saleh?" He asked pulling out his sketch pad. i looked at him nervously as he frowned a bit.  i breathed out as I spoke up "her name.." he looked at me as his eyes widened and a smiled spread across his face.

"i'll make it special." he smiled as he began to draw.


i smiled brightly a I looked at it through the plastic wrap. It was beautiful .

Hopefully she'll love it.

I stood up going in my pocket as Jase grabbed my arm. "It's on me." he winked as I shook his hand.

i walked out making my way over to my car.
i started it sitting there for a second.

i was now more nervous then ever... would she be upset ?

i sighed running my hand down my face.
will just have to see ...


i unlock the front door walking in as I make my way upstairs.
i hear music blasting as I push open our bedroom door seeing y/n swaying her hips to the song sickoMode while cleaning.

i chuckled walking over to the speakers to
turn the music down. i catch y/n's as she turns around smiling walking over to me.

"Hey babe." She says kissing me as I smile.
shes so perfect.

"Hey... I have something to show you..." I trail off getting nervous all over again.

"What is it? " she says curiously her eyes lighting up.
I sit down on our bed patting the spot next to me.
She joins me as I sigh.

Here goes nothing...

i slowly lift up my sleeve as my wrist becomes visible. i cautiously unwrap it as her name and roses come into clear view. I look up at her immediately as she freezes her hand slapping over her mouth. She stands up shaking her head

fuck I knew she'd hate it .

"Don't cry y/n... d-do you not like it?" I ask softly feeling a burning sensation in my chest and throat.
it's just me preventing myself from bursting into tears. I grab her as she breaks down in my arms.

We sit on the floor for a minutes while her sobs calm down and she looks up at me.

"A-adam.. why?" She asks tears in her eyes.
I feel my heart shatter, is she unhappy with me ?

"B-because ... I love you y/n. I wanted to do this to show you just how much you honestly mean to me."

She sniffles shaking her head. "B-but what if y-you find someone else... a-and you don't love me anymore. Why would you get this knowing we may not last forever. I can't possible be your forever...I-I'm nothing. " she croaked as tears glazed my eyes.

"Are you serious? Y/n we are and always were a forever thing. I never wanna spend my life doing anything if it isn't with you! Your my reason for smiling , laughing , living . You give my life and much more. There's no way any goofy ass hoe could replace you and no matter what we go through I promise I'm not giving up on us..I love you ma." I say as she smiles crying softly.

I kiss her passionately as we pull away smiling.

"It's so beautiful do know that's never coming off..right?" She giggles as I smile brightly.

"It's permanent for a reason right ?" I say as she hugs me.

I don't plan on loosing things I love the most.
True love can't be replaced 💗

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