Meeting (PT2)

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"What is taking her so long?" Asked Chloe to herself she was escorting two students Talia and Rachel. Yes I am doing groups by their color. Anyways Talia Asked "Is everything Alright?" In response Chloe said "No, it's nothing it's just my friend was supposed to be here minutes ago."

"Huh, mine too." Added Rachel, and then Talia "And Mine, though she is never this late." "Mine too. She is late, but not THAT late. Her name is Emily." Said Chloe "Her name is Maya." Responded Rachel after that Responded Talia "Her name is Iris."

Then they heard a ring tone coming from Rachel and Chloe said "Sorry, but we don't allow cell phones." "It's ok! I will just take it to the bathroom and put it in silent!" So she takes it to the bathroom running "No running!" Yelled Chloe "Sorry!"

As she walked to the bathroom she asked her pixie "What is it?" "It's Kippie and Maya, they said they are locked outside the school with two other girls Emily and Iris!" He answered. Rachel stood in shock. "What in the world?" She thought to herself.

Later she went  back with Chloe and Talia and told her what happened they speed walked through the halls until they saw this girl "Excuse me are you lost?" Asked Chloe but later the girl pointed her pen at them three that set the red alarms in their heads.

"Glitter Force!" Said both Chloe and Rachel stopping while they looked each other in shock.
Soon Talia got her wand but then regretted it so she put it back because Chloe and Rachel where staring at her. In shock. Soon the girl said "Bye!" And left.

" WHAT IN THE WORLD IS HAPPENING?!" Said the three. "Okay lets calm down, And figure this out properly, I'm Chloe, and like you I'm guessing Rachel, I am a Glitter Force warrior."

Rachel then said "Yes, I am but still need training." "Okay, I DONT KNOW WHAT THIS GLITTER THING IS! But since we are all sharing secrets I'm Talia... Princess of Xeris. And Also a warrior." Chloe and Rachel were in shock "A PRINCESS?!" They Yelled out

"Quiet! But, I thought you knew about not having phones Rachel, it said it before we entered the school." Said Talia in response Rachel said "Uhh about that," "This is Rory my pixie. He is a phone well turn into one."

"I'm not supposed to talk to you, ANY OF YOU, but since Chloe here is one of us, everything is ok!" Said Rory. "Oh, I have Amaru but he is with Iris, and he is very special." Said Talia
"I have candy but, she is also with Emily And she is the one who gives us power ups." Added Chloe.

"Well then we need to let our friends in, lets go!" Chloe said, they went up to the front door of the school and Chloe knocked to see if they were there. "Hello?! ITS EMILY!" "Emily! I'm opening the door!" Said Chloe as she tried to open the door.

"It's looked, I can't open it, maybe the keys?" Said Chloe as she started to find the keys but forgot she left them in the office which is a long way from there. "No! They are in the office!"
"Do you guys have a hair clip?" Asked Rachel.
"Rachel! It's Maya! Here I have one!" Maya then slipped her clip to them

Rachel tried unlocking the door but whatever she did nothing happened. "I'm going to break the door." Said Talia "Talia? ITS ME IRIS! DONT BREAK THE DOOR!" "I have no choice you are doing it with me!" "Fine." They asked them to get back since it could hurt them. "Crystal packtis!"

What they saw was just a pink crystal flouting on Iris's fist and a blue one on Talia's. The spell didn't work throwing Iris to the ground and Talia to the wall "AGH!" They both said. They had to find a solution, and quickly.

See y'all bye!!!

A Real Life Fairytale (Crossover Fanfic) [RE-WRITING] Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora