A secret...

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I'm telling the story! Also Cherrysenpai12344 will be in this story for being a great fan! And if you want to be in the next chapter NOW YOU CAN, but since I need to work things out so this will only be for a while. (I swear rikkaxira4ever you will be next) on to the story!

All the girls had all gotten out of school and are now in a ice cream place. (Actually make that Yogurtland) Kelsey had been staring at Natalie while she was eating. "Hmm..." Kelsey said. Regina and Ariana, well only Ariana, had been talking about boys, while Regina was just trying to figure out what is wrong with her.

"Why is a 10-year old hanging out with us?" Kelsey asked herself outloud. "Maybe because I'm better?" Natalie responded. "You ever got to be a magic princess with a magic wand that makes magical colorful fire?" Kelsey said back. "I am part of a princess, but I don't have a wand so... I'll give you that."

April and Carissa were playing soccer, while Lyna and Mackenzie cheered them on, Lyna not so much though. We all now she hates loud noises. "Go..... Carissa.... I guess..." Lyna tried to shout.

"Louder." Mackenzie said. "Go Carissa." "Louder!" "Go Carissa." "LOUDER." "Go Carissa." "LOUDER!!!" Silence... "Go Carissa."
Mackenzie had given up.

"Please, I was an expert on this before I knew it was a game!" Carissa bragged before the tie breaker she was going to have with April. "Please, I've been practicing my whole life!" April responded.

Well we will never know what happened in a game!

"So what are we going to do about your closet?" Iris asked Emily. "OH! OH! Can I have it?!" Maya asked. "NEVER." Emily said in a low tone and the girls went silent. "I'm going to keep it and probably go in it." Emily finished. While over here with the blue girls,

"How do you know we can trust him?" Talia blurted out. "Does he know what they're going to do?" Chloe came right along with the questions. The girls kept asking Rachel about Ira, but both had very different perspectives of him.

Talia thought he was just playing with her and she should stay away from him, while Chloe thought they could use him and probably get him to turn on the bad side.

"Girls, girls! First of all Talia, he is not evil, okay he is right now and he tried to kill us, but I know I can trust him and he can also trust me!"

"And Chloe, I don't want to use him, sure that can be a good idea, but I don't want to control his life! It's his choice not mine." Rachel finished and Chloe and Talia stood there in a little bit of guilt. The two girls promised not to speak about it again.

Clara was having tea with Lily while discussing about Lily's artwork. "I'm not really sure if I should do it." Lily said. "It was just a suggestion, you don't have to do it."

As this was going on, back in Ephidia...

Ira was sneaking out, he promised Rachel he could meet her in a forest, of course it was still too early, but he was going to do something for her.

"What are you doing Ira?" Marmo asked standing behind him. "None of your business." He responded while he turned to her.. "Oh, but it is." Marmo looked at him with a smirk of victory. Ira stood there and then said "Bel is throwing your makeup away." "MY CHILDREN!" Marmo turned and runned to her room.

Ira had gotten to the forest safely, but as he was doing what he was doing, (WRAPPING A PRESENT FOR RACHEL!) he heared a noise near by. He slowly stood up, and grabbed a dark crystal that praxina gave him and the others. She said that this will give them the power that she has. He has only practiced a little with it so he only knows the basics.

Seconds later, a figure who turned out to be two, popped out. (This is you Cherrysenpai12344!!!) One had dark blue hair that were in pig tails, eyes were blue, her clothes where blue but just a bit lighter, she had blue wings, two wands, a shield and wore black glasses. She also were a crown and Ira wondered if she could be royalty.

The next girl, (Who is me!) Had long, lose, purple hair fading into pink at the bottom, her eyes were turquoise, she had cat ears along with a tail, her clothes were all different colors, such as containing light blue, white, mint, grey, pink, purple, mostly all the colors, and she only had one wand.

The two girls faced each other and smiled until realizing that Ira was there, but they teleported away. "IRA!" Ira turned to see Marmo. "M-MARMO!" Ira hid the gift as fast as he could but it was too late. "What's that?" "What what?!" "On your hand." "Nothing!?"

"Ira?" Marmo and Ira turned to see Rachel. "Ira, are you meeting with our enemies?" Marmo asked. "N-NO!" He yelled. Marmo looked at Rachel. "H-He's telling the truth..." Rachel said in a low voice. Marmo looked at Ira one more time and said "Well then you won't mind this."

Marmo got a black crystal in one hand, the other pointed at Rachel. "Wait! MARMO! DONT!" Ira yelled but Marmo had already shot a crystal to Rachel. (No, no, Rachel does not die) Suddenly, Clover appeared with the shield that had disappeared after the crystal struck.

"Clover!" Rachel yelled. "Hi Rachel!" Clover said, and it's a weird thing to say after someone was about to be killed, "Ugh, you little brats again." Marmo complained. "Oh not just us," Clover said putting her shield down and looking at Marmo "It's also them!"

The rest of the girls appeared from the trees in the forest. (Oh, also, they are in their transformation form thing.) "What?!" Marmo exclaimed, she then pointed at Peace and started to shoot black crystals. "AHHHHH!!" Peace cried. She soon fell from the tree while trying to avoid getting shot, which she was then caught by Brezze.

"How is.... HOW DID SHE GET THAT POWER?!" Talia questioned out loud in panick. "It's the Crystal that Praxina gave us." Ira said behind Talia. Talia looked back and got her wand. "Hey, hey wait! I promise I'm innocent!...... Right now." "Right now?!" "I'm working for someone bad, of course it's right now." Ira said

"Hey, um, guys, would you not talk BECAUSE WE ARE GOING TO GET KILLED IF YOU DO!!!!!!" Lucky yelled looking at them furious.
"Okay! Calm down!!" Iris said trying to calm her down.

"How about all of you stay down?" A fimiliar voice came out. Everyone looked up to see...


(By the way that was Carrisa)

Oh! Don't you just love it?! The cliffhangers!!!! I HATE THEM!!!!!! THEY RUINED MY LIFE!!!!! I also had to cut it short, it was getting long.

A Real Life Fairytale (Crossover Fanfic) [RE-WRITING] Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя