Meeting (PT3)

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BOOM! Heard Kelsey. Kelsey had also been escorting another student Ariana, but for her it was getting a little annoying because she kept talking and talking. "Did you her that?" Asked Kelsey "Yep. I did!" Replies Ariana with a smile. "I'm going to.... check it out." As Kelsey left Ariana, Ariana followed her. And started talking again.

"I And I like my food in Volta better than here because the only thing I like here is-" Kelsey cut her off saying "Wait, where is this Volta I never heard of it." "Oh it's cause I come from this other planet-" Kelsey cuts her off again "Planet?" Said Kelsey BOOM! Seriously HOW MANY TIMES ARE THEY TRYING THIS?!

"Well I'm leaving come if you want!" As Kelsey ran down to see what happened Ariana was right behind her! As Kelsey and Ariana kept coming closer to the sound Kelsey spots Chloe and two other girls one with dark blue and one with brown.

"CHLOE! Did you hear that sound?!" Kelsey asked then Ariana immediately said after she was done saying that "Oh Hi Talia! What are you laying on the ground for?" "Trying to break that door." She Answered.

"Who's that?" Kelsey asked Chloe "oh that's Rachel," "hi!" "And That's Talia!" "Hello."
"Why do you wanna break the door?" Asked Ariana  "Iris is locked outside with these two girls Emily and Maya." "IRIS?!" Exclaimed Ariana

"Wow I know Emily is late but this late!?" Said Kelsey "HEY I CAN STILL HEAR YOU WITH THIS DOOR IN FRONT OF ME!" Yelled Emily.
"Sorry!" Kelsey apologized "Ariana we are going to have to break the door." Said Talia

Ariana was shocked then she whispered very loud "DO YOU MEAN WE HAVE TO USE OUTLR MAGIC THAT YOU CLEARLY TOLD US NOT TO USE IN PUBLIC?" "Yes." Answered Talia.... TALIA BE MORE SPECIFIC!

"Wait MAGIC?!" Exclaimed Kelsey. "They are from another planet called Ephidia and they are magic princess and they also have other two friends who are also like them." Explained Rachel, Chloe, Emily and Maya. "Oh"

"Now let's break the wall! Ready Iris?!" Said Talia. "Ready!" "Then one... two... three..GO" "CRYSTUM PACTIS!" Suddenly the door breaks to into tiny pieces of dark crystals. "Iris!" Said Talia and Ariana "Talia Ariana!" "Emily!" Said Chloe and Kelsey "Kels Chloe!"  "MAYA!" Yelled Rachel "Rachel."

As they were having their "moment" Talia noticed the black crystals only known by the 3 persons... well now it's 1. "This is.." Talia was about to finish the sentence but was cut off by this "WHAT IN THE WORLD DID WE SEE?"

It was Lily and Clara! "LILY!" Yelled Emily Chloe and Kelsey "CLARA!" Yelled Rachel and Maya "Uh.. Persons?!" Said randomly Iris and Ariana "Ugh." Talia said... TALIA BE NICER!

"We Can explain!" Said Emily "No I think that whole thing explained!" Said Lily "A LOT!" Yelled out Clara


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