Laughter In The Cells

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I let BuzzFeed unsolved influence me. How many obsessions am I going to have in my life time? I don't know. Where did we leave off in this? Uhhh ball right?! Great, we're not starting there.


"Okay, so maybe it was my fault!"

"Maybe?! Lyna, you almost killed everyone in that room!"

"But I didn't, April! We can't focus on that right now! Our friends are being held by the law! Our priority right now is to get them back safely."

"Oh, right. Like they'll let two teenagers with a twelve year old get their friends back."

"Your sarcasm isn't helping, Natalie."

"Like you were helping in the first place..."


Rachel's P.O.V

How do I tell a well-structured story when life absolutely chaos? You don't. You lie.

"You really expect me to believe that?" He asks as he gives me a half-smile.

Detectives are something, only believe in logic, science, psychology, whatever. I was never invested in their stupid careers. There's more to the world than we know. And to be honest, I don't even know

Basically, they're like an Acosmist...

Acosmist - One who believes nothing exist.

"No, but it was worth a shot." I respond. I need to keep a straight face, I can't give anything away, no matter what. Anything I remember could be the key to them taking action to the powers we have.

He looks down and started laughing, he tried to hide it. Doesn't look like he's trying anyways. He looks back at me, water in his eyes. Is he dying of laughter? What is it?

He opens his mouth. "Missy-"


"Rachel, you do know that lying to the law is illegal? You could end up in juvenile detention!" He says to me, laughing through his sentence.

I don't crack a smile.

"Another reason to tell you the truth, sir." Lie. Another reason to lie. Juvenile detention sounds better than facing my problems.

He gave me a smile, a sincere one. Why?

"Call me Charles. Detective Charles." He introduced himself. I don't care. He took out his hand from his pocket to shake hands, but I know better.

I look at his hand and then at him. "Detective Charles, I hope you don't think I'm some kind of stupid teenager unknowing of your tricks."

He takes his hand away and gives a smirk. "How do you know?"

"Media is quite helpful, it's amazing what people share." I respond. I can't wait for this to be over, who knew a ball could be so deadly... Was it deadly?

He stood up, walking to the water fountain that was in the left corner. "Okay. Well, would you like a cup of-"

"You are not getting my fingerprints Detective Charles! I did nothing wrong, I am not guilty of whatever it was that happened last night!"

He looked at me. He mumbled something, but I didn't hear. Does it matter?

"So, you really don't remember..."

I looked down. My blue dress with fake diamonds nicely stitched, it's beautiful. I don't mind the dirt on it, or my messy hair and makeup.

It all happened so quickly, I didn't have time to think or react. I don't remember anything that night, just the little things.

A Real Life Fairytale (Crossover Fanfic) [RE-WRITING] Where stories live. Discover now