A ball!?

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Yeah, no, this is an even bigger writers block than before. This is a short chapter, sorry.

Note: I'm also trying to improve my writing skills so if you find them... Yeah. I'm also confused on what POV this is.

Everyone looked at each other gravely.
Everything fell silent, everyone waiting for the right moment to strike.

I don't have time for this! Praxina told herself. She doesn't need to waste her power on these idiots, is what she thinks.

"Screw this, you can do it by yourselves." She left without a moment of hesitation.

"W-WHAT!?" The Mercenares (bro how do you spell it?) quivered at the thought of having their most powerful person leave them. They've fought with some of them, but never succeeded. (We don't expect them to anyways.)

The three teams were perplexed by what had happened, but were more confident than ever! As for the Mercenares, completely the opposite.

"Well, this should be easy. Shouldn't it girls?" Sunny called to the group of girls.

They all cheered.

"Ah Hell! We're screwed!" Bel trembled. "Without a plan in our hands, there's absolutely nothing we can do to win!"

"We can't just leave!" Marmo explained.
"But there's so many of them!" Ira responded.

Just as the girls were about to attack, they disappeared. What were they going to do now?

They all went to their original looks.

Talia and Chloe were trying to come up with the plans while the girls explained everything to each other.

"That's all we have to explain." Iris finished. "We can probably have a time to talk about it more!" Emily eagerly replied.

"Maybe over lunch? I call it at my place!" Maya rejoiced.

Everything seemed to be going well when they stumbled upon a card.

"What's this?" Lily asked. She picked it up and inspected it. "Doesn't look like anything out of the ordinary."

"Let me look at it." Lyna took the card and opened it. "What does it say?" Lily inquired.

Dear girls,
I hope this finds you in a good situation!
I'm inviting you to a ball! Of course you don't know me, but there's free food!!! AND WHO DOESN'T LIKE THAT!? I've invited other people too so you guys won't be lonely. Some you probably know, some you definitely know, and some you don't. But I hope to see you there!

Tomorrow, 6PM, *address*
Hope to see y'all there!

"A ball!?" April shouted. "We get out of nearly having a fight and we get called to a ball!?"

"With, free food. And like the letter says, who doesn't like that!?" Carissa 
who was delighted said.

"But what if it's a trick?! We could all die!" Natalie argued. "And it shows no indication of who it's from or who it's for." Talia agreed.

"It's a ball! Lighten up you guys! WE CAN HAVE A GIRLS NIGHT OUT!" Regina screamed.

"I prefer a night in... Bed. I'm tired." Mackenzie said. "My schedule is packed tomorrow, so I probably won't be joining you guys if you decide to go."

"A nice ball wouldn't hurt. It could relax us all." Chloe suggested. "It's very calming to take a moment to collect everything." Clara added.

"SO A GIRLS NIGHT OUT IT IS!" Ariana cheered. The majority was pleased. They all planned to go together, some will stay home.

"Then it's settled! We'll see each other in the morning!" Rachel said.

And as everyone was saying their goodbyes, Rachel stayed. ('Cause there's 'bout to be some Rira)

Rachel looked behind at the dark forest, and walked in. She heard some rustling in the bushes.

"Ira?" She turned around.

It was just a bunny with her children. (Haha, I fooled you! Right? (´-﹏-';))

She seemed disappointed. She also started to take caution of Ira, which is something she never wanted to do. But with so many things happening at once, it probably for the best.

Is it?

Hi hi! Pika here! Hoped you enjoyed the chapter, it was a short one. I had very little insperation. I also need your help for the next chapter! I'm thinking of having characters from different universes come together into one place! Now that's literally most of my books, but here's the thing. Should they act like they already know each other, like in my T/D books? Or no? Thank you, and I'm off!

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