Second Match! Start!

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I have no title, so when your done finishing reading this chapter, feel free to comment a title, and I will one....... Which is probably going to be hard.

Let's rewind a bit if you forgot the story, and don't wanna re-read it because it was crappy. And horrible.
Glitter Force/Smile precure, (for those who don't know, and no I am not using they're original names. Sorry if that annoys you, maybe MAYBE, in the future I can slash original names.) Glitter Force Doki Doki/ Doki Doki Precure, and Lolirock coincidentally meet...... By color.

The Yellow's Normal.
The Green's and Purple's somehow spend all the morning in the backyard, we add the Rira moments, Emily kills death in some way, now they get to know each other a bit, and battle.

"Praxina?!" Carrisa yelled. Sunny, backing up was very confused."Who?" She asked. "No time to explain," Lyna said. "Just attack!"

Both Glitter Force teams looked at each other in confusion, but attacked anyways.
They were all aiming at her with their attacks, but it backfired! oH nO!

"You little idiots are no match for me." Praxina said. "It's useless, might as well give up."

"Never!" Lucky yelled. "We didn't give up last time, so we won't give up now!" Praxina gave a jerky laugh. She rested her head on her arm (You know, like that creepy arm in her chest?)

"How pathetic."

Out of nowhere, a black ball shot at Lucky knocking her down. "Lucky!" Yelled everyone in worry. Lucky slowly started to get up, and everyone sighed in relief. "I'm fine. It was nothing!" She pointed out.

"You girls really aren't backing down are you?" Marmo Quiestioned. "We're persistent!" Ariana said cheerfully.

Her team just looked at her with the face saying 'Really?' Ariana put her hands up and said, "IT'S TRUE!"

Marmo shook her head and suddenly dissapeared.

Everyone started looking at where she might of gone, but nothing. They all turned to where Praxina had been and she too was gone! The only thing they could see was mist!

"Where'd they go?!" Peace said anxious. Everyone started to look around. And then, a figure slowly started to approach them. "You guys might wanna watch out, they have a habit of doing this..." Heart said.

Spade squinted. "Is that... Bel?!" Spring turned to her and asked "Excuse me, who?!"

As the mist started to part away, everyone could see the figure getting clearer. "It is!" Clara confirmed. "Yeah, one more time, WHO IS IT?" Iris impatiently yelled.

The figure stoped in front of them. "Hello girls." He noticed that it wasn't just Glitter Force Doki Doki, but also two other groups.

"THEY'VE MULTIPLIED!!!" He yelled out. "Well you don't have to be so rude about it!" Lyna yelled and threw her weapon... Boomerang... Whatever it is at him.

He dodged the throw and moved out of the way to not get hit. "Nice try." The weapon went back to Lyna. Then, Ira and Marmo appeared right beside him.

Everyone was getting ready, when suddenly, "WAIT! DONT FIGHT!" A girl behind the bushes ran passed them, and fell on her face. "Ow..." The girl said.

Everyone looked at each other not sure what to make out of this. Should they attack her? Ignore her? Invite her to watch some anime? Whatever.

The girl had, short, violet hair fading into purple. She had a purple and black dress with matching socks with black Boots.

A girl with blond hair then came running towards her and started to drag her away. (Sorry Douche) She then turned to all of them. "We would stop you from fighting, but we're too broken hearted to do it." And then both of them dissapear.

Everyone just stood silent. "What the f*ck was that?" Carrisa asked. Breeze quickly said, "Language!" Carrisa ignored. Everyone turned the attention to the situation again.

Bel unfortunately started to talk. "There might be more of you Glitter girls-!" Ace cut him off. "To be correct, there is only 5 more of us who are more experienced, which now adds up to the Percentage of you losing."

Regina appeared next to her sister. "And I bet your guys were the ones who stole my food last battle." "What food?! We weren't even there!" Marmo pointed out.

"It was a plan to sabotage me!" Regina said before dissapearing and re-apearing next to Heart. Marmo groaned.

Diamond look at Ira with those ocean eyes.

Sorry for what I'm about to do, you can skip.
NO FAIIIIIIIIR! YOU REALLY KNOW HOW TO MAKE ME CRYYY, WHEN YOU GIVE ME THOSE OCEAN EYES! THOSE OCEAN EYES! If you haven't listened to the song yet by Billie Eilish, I recommend it.

Ira felt guilty about fighting them. After what she has done for him, this is the way he repays her?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME IRA?! WHAT KIND OF MAN ARE YOU?!

Talia turned to Diamond. "I'm telling you, you should stay away from him. All he will do is hurt you and take everything you love away from you."

Are you sure Talia that that wasn't just you past? YOUR PAST? It surely can't be somebody else's future, present, and past.
Right Everyone?

"Maybe... No, I can't do that." Diamond was having mixed feelings. She didn't know what to think in this point.

"You know? I think we've wasted enough time, let the battle begin!" Bel announced

AND THAT CONCLUDES CHAPTER 13!!!! FINALLY! This was the biggest writer's block I had in my entire life so far. I'm sorry it took so long, but I hoped you enjoyed reading! MWAH! GOODNIGHT EVERYBODY! Yes, even though it's not night time where you are.

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