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MY P.O.V CAUSE IM NOT IN THE STORY..... for right now.

As Ira went back into his... New room he was staying in, Marmo asked him what happened "Why do you care?" "Because I wanna make fun of you obviously!" "I hate you." "I don't care."

Now that Ira fell into his bed and wished to be dead like a FREAKIN LOSER, he... I dunnu, the feeling that he had to talk to someone. "You failed didn't you?" "AH! HOW'D YOU GET HERE?!" "Marmo obviously doesn't care about me, so I'm free."

"Greeeeaaaat." Irá said as he got a broom and started pushing Bel out of his room with it. "You know you could just pick me up" Bel Suggested "No." He responded annoyed cause he wants everyone dead in the room.


"Maya! STUDY!!" Rachel yelled "Not right now I'm reading a book with Emily!" Maya told Rachel while Rachel thought "Since when does Maya read?" "AH! HERE IS MY FAVORITE PART!" Emily yelled as she was swinging the book around and then stoping.

"Let her be," Said Kelsey, she was playing checkers With Natalie. "You know how Maya is." Natalie was winning "OH COME ON!" Yelled out Kelsey as she threw the game on the ground.

"Guys, have you seen my food? I can't find it." Said Regina as she looked up to Ariana eating her food "..... Oh.. This was yours?" She asked. "AGH!" Regina was about to attack Ariana but Iris stoped her. "Here," Iris handed Regina her food that she hasn't touched. Not even the spoon. (ITS FREAKIN GOOD SOUP)

"Thank you!" Said Regina as she sat next to Maya reading a book with Emily. "Haha.... now I'm left with nothing.." Iris tried to be happy, thankfully SHE HAD AMARU WHO HUGGED HER! "Thanks Amaru!"

Then Candy was at the rescue with the charms! She put the Strawberry Charm and- Okay y'all know. Then she gives the Strawberry to Iris. "I don't know how I'm going to eat this but thanks!" "You're welcome!"

"Hey Candy! We are going to have a little Game want to join!?" Asked Kippie "It's going to be fun!" Added Rory. "Sure! What about you Lance?" "I'm good." Lance was being Feed by Clara.

"Davi?" Asked Candy. "Nope! IM KEEPING AN EYE." "Of course..." Said Kippie. But then Dina out of nowhere jumped on Davi. "Oh! Are you Ok?" Said lily as she was trying to get Davi out of Dina's hands. "DINA." Lily is now terrified of Dina.

"Well, I'm going back to drawing." Lily said as she started..... OH YOU KNOW! "You draw very good! I just don't get why your shy." Said Clara "I don't know either." Responded Lily "INTROVERT!" Yelled out of nowhere Lyna.

"Make sense, all of us our extroverts." Said April. "SOME, of us." Mackenzie Corrected April. "Eh." Said Both Lyna And April as they sit down (WELL ONLY LYNA. SHE WAS UP WHEN SHE YELLED)

"Since when do you yell Lyna?" Asked Carisa. "When do you shut up?" Lyna Responded as she levitated Carisa again. "UGH! IM TIRED OF THIS!! PUT ME DOWN!!" "NEVER! HAHAHAHHA!"

Talia then got a hold of Carisa and put her down gently. "Thank you Talia!" "OH COME ON!" Lyna Complained. "You're welcome Carisa." "Now to show my gratitude, I WILL SING A SONG!" Everyone Yelled out no.

"Well it's just you and me who study Rachel!" Said Chloe. Rachel had second thoughts about studying. "Uh... you know what, sorry Chloe, I'm going to take a stroll by the beach." Rachel told Chloe.

Chloe was now depressed that she was the only one studying and felt really left out, she later found out Talia was also studying *RELIEF*


"Ugh, I'm going to go out" as he went out... he realized it was going to rain. Well, he might as well get SCREWD UP NOW! "GREAT. FREAKIN MARMO AND NOW THIS." He decided to look at the ocean like A FRAKIN LOSER.

A Real Life Fairytale (Crossover Fanfic) [RE-WRITING] Where stories live. Discover now