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"Life is like the ocean...It can be calm and still....
Or rough and rigid...but, in the end...
It's always beautiful...."


My trance broke bcoz of my own alarm... And I realized... Finally, my working hours got over.....

Closing my alarm...I immediately start collecting my things from my desk... And made my way towards the hospital exist....

I had never felt so restless and anxiety for go back home from my work.... What I felt today.... Just in one day....

But, just a thought of Manik being all alone with Amms in my house ..... Was enough for give me a panic attack....

But, it's not my fault too...... The way amms were treating manik from last evening....  I was just praying to my dearest aaiyappa... That Manik  had survive this torture in my absence....

First one was...when, Amms had given a store room for manik.....

Yes, you all heard it right.... Manik is living in store room....
Actually, Amms have given him two options...

First one was kitchen....which I felt, will be small for his size....

And, second one was store room.....

And, bcoz I had already rejected that first option.... Manik got store room for living....

That store room where....there was not even a fan .... no ventilation... Nothing.... but, still Manik didn't even said a word for it....

And, as you all know... this was just a start for that poor soul.... And, with each passing moment... things turned more drastic for him....

Like, First one was.... Amms had awaked him at sharp 3:30 am.... for prepared hot water for her....

then, he sended  to clean my own house.... which includes 7 ROOMS plus LIVING ROOM plus DINING HALL plus KITCHEN plus FRONT GARDEN and a BACKYARD..... which almost took 5 hours of his.... Bcoz, it was his first time in kitchen.... Amms have given him relief for breakfast and lunch.... But, he had to prepared dinner at night in any condition....

After, this Amms had made him wash clothes.... And, that too of our whole colony.... Atleast, i thought that after see the bundles  of clothes in front of him.... 

Till the time, he had finished.... He literally wasn't in the condition to stand on his own feet....

After that, i was forcefully sended to my work.... So, i don't know... what more manik had suffered in my absence.... 

I tried to call him 2-3 times, but he didn't received my call.... so, i felt.... he must be busy in somework.....

And, me.... I was just going crazy with a thought that.... What more Amms can do for torture my whole day....

For the whole day... I was just waiting to end my working hours so that... I could just run to my hoise and meet Manik....

Even, mom was so worried for him...when he hadn't received her call... I can understand her concerned too.... After all she is his mother....

How much she try to show all this doesn't effect her.... Or she is strong enough for deal such things....

She just can't control her emotions for her only child..... Who is her only world....fir whom she is living her life....

Till the time, I reached home... It was already 7:30 of the evening....
I parked my car... And took out all the things  which I bought for manik....

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