Everything's Red(Smut)

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Keith accidentally learned Lance's secret.

They were on a planet with a name too complicated to pronounce, attending a party the local people had thrown for them to celebrate their alliance against the Galran Empire.

It's not his fault that he was looking for the bathroom.

It's not his fault that he rounded the corner and saw Lance and Hunk talking in hushed tones.

It's not his fault that he couldn't stop from watching as Lance opened his mouth and revealed two white fangs jutting out where his canines should be.

It's kind of his fault that he stood there spying on the two as Lance brought Hunk close to him and bit down on the meat of his neck.

It fucking threw Keith for a loop.

It's been two long weeks and Keith has never been more attentive to Lance's activities than he was now.

For one, he's never noticed that the blue paladin rarely eats during their meals. He picks at it and pushes his food around the plate, maybe taking a bite or two here and there, always cracking a joke or speaking loudly to turn the attention away from his unfinished goo.

During their training, Keith realized that Lance moved faster every two to three days, dodging the gladiators and swiftly taking out the targets with quick and precise shots. When it got closer to the second or third day mark, Lance's movements slowed down, becoming sluggish and sloppy. He was more susceptible to getting hit and taking punches from their fellow teammates and the various robots during their team exercises. Keith made sure he went easy on him during those days and tried to keep Lance from getting shot too much.

He eventually started to follow at a distance, looking at his watch and marking the time when he would disappear into Hunk's room, only to emerge a couple hours later, rosy cheeked and bright eyed. The next morning, Keith spotted a bandage under the collar of Hunk's shirt, almost completely hidden and easy to miss if no one knew what to look for. Hunk didn't seem fazed by the events taking place. In fact, he seemed just as normal as ever.

Keith knew he was being a little creepy and tried to tone it down a little bit, keeping it to just side glances and interacted with him only when necessary.

Except for now, where he was blatantly staring at Lance from where he was sat across the lounge, arms crossed and eyes calculating. It was fine though, Hunk and Shiro were out on a mission, Pidge was in her room taking a nap and Coran and Allura were god knows where, probably doing Altean things. Besides, Keith rationed, Lance was stretched out on the sofa, hands under his head and eyes closed, there's no way anyone would call him out.

"You know if you take a picture, it'll last longer," Lance said with a lopsided grin on his face.

Keith startled, blushing bright at being caught.

"I'm not staring."

Lance opened his eyes and looked over, eyebrow arched high.

"Dude, you're the worst person at being subtle ever. You literally would have failed out of ninja school." The red paladin recovered, scowling as Lance laughed and sat up, stretching his arms over his head. Keith's didn't even try to stop his gaze from flitting down to stare at the sliver of brown skin that appeared when his shirt raised. Goddammit, the last thing he needed was a crush on the object of his curiosity. He gulped and looked back up to see Lance staring back with a knowing look on his face. He stood from the sofa and walked over, placing a hand on Keith's shoulder before leaving. "See you around, Mullethead."

Dinner rolled around in no time, forcing Keith to be social long enough to feed his angry stomach. He plopped down in his seat at the far end of the table, brow furrowing when Lance sat down in front of him.

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