Convention AU(Smut)

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Keith scowled as yet another bunch of cosplayers passed him by while he waited for Lance to finish his purchases for the evening. Every time another bunch of people in orange t-shirts and foam-board armor came near Keith and looked him up and down, he tended to get really bothered.

"Hey!" shouted one of the cosplayers, waving a bronze-painted sword. The logo CAMP HALF-BLOOD was emblazoned upon her t-shirt. "Nice Nico di Angelo cosplay! You forgot your black sword and skull ring, though."

"That's because I'm not cosplaying as Nico fucking di Angelo!" Keith shouted back, sorely tempted to flip off what had to be the eighth group of Percy Jackson cosplayers to make that mistake today just because he was pale, dark-haired and wore all black, from his leather jacket to his skinny jeans. Why the hell did there have to be so many of them at this con? He liked the books well enough-and stayed clear away from the shitty movie adaptations-but this was getting ridiculous. And where the hell was Lance? The dealer's room was closing in five minutes, he had to be done.

"Oh," the cosplayer said, shyly shirking away. Keith sighed as the group of would-be demigods ran off back through the convention center, either to the crowded food court, the even more crowded hotel elevators, or the impossibly packed ballrooms where the panels and the first rounds of the AMV contests were taking place. Keith wasn't sure which one he wanted to go to-whenever his dithering doofus of a friend showed up-and he wasn't sure if he should just give up for the day. Saturday would be the big con activity day, after all, and he was already feeling beat just from the first day's meanderings. It was growing hotter and hotter in the con center, he worried about catching some insidious con plague, and he wasn't as much into cosplay as nearly everyone else was these days, so he wasn't too keen on hall wandering or taking photos, even if some of the costumes and props were amazing.

"Keith! KEITH!" Lance shouted from the sprawling spill of con-goers being shooed out from the dealer's room as security guards waited to shut the massive doors. "OVER HERE!" Keith looked up and sighed at the sheer amount of bags Lance had dangling from his slender, bare brown-skinned arms. At least Lance was in character for his cosplay-Sokka from Avatar the Last Airbender, a character that Lance really felt a deep connection with for some reason; Keith suspected it was because they shared a similarly stupid yet endearing sense of humor. Lance grinned as Keith came over and began shoving bags into his friend's arms immediately.

"Hey!" Keith huffed indignantly as he was bombarded with bulky plastic goods-manga, DVDs, figurines and t-shirts attempting to spill out onto the floor. "God, Lance, why did you get so much stuff?! We still have to pay for food this weekend and the hotel room budget's off limits, you know. No way am I doing hallway napping or couch surfing tomorrow night."

"You're such a killjoy, Keith," Lance said as he shuffled the bags around and ran one hand about to make sure his fake top-knot was on correctly and that he still had his prop boomerang. "We'll be fine. I just blew my dealer's room budget for the whole weekend all in one day, that's all. I promise not to mooch off of any of the other con budgets for anything else. Even if its really cool."

"Good. I'm going to hold you to that. And no mooching off of my dealer's room budget, either, not unless I still have some cash left over on Sunday."

Lance's lips trembled and his big eyes got even bigger and wobblier. "Ahh! But Keith, there's nothing good left in there on Sundays. Or anything else good to do on Sundays at cons, everyone knows that."

"And almost everyone else cosplays at cons nowadays, too. But not me. I've got to be the only nerd who doesn't any more." Keith sighed and ran a hand through his messy mop of jet black hair, which was most definitely not a mullet, no matter what others thought. "It looks like fun, I guess, but don't you get all hot and sweaty in all that heavy get-up? And what about all the work you have to do, all the gluing and stitching and painting, doesn't it get tedious and time-consuming? And isn't it expensive as hell?"

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