
343 11 1

31st of October,

I feel a presence in my thoughts that I cant explain and yet the dreams continue. The familiar man in the mask haunts my nighmares more and more as time persist. As if my mind is climaxing and preparing me for events to come, or maybe i'm just mad.

Yet I find excitement in the stories of my sleep and yet I wish my strange friend were true. I cannot explain why, but I do. Perhaps when the Rats are gone we could run away to some far off land filled with sweets and trees and horses. And perhaps I could meet the face behind the mask. I begin to wonder if my fictional friend has a sweet and kind face or is he scared underneath the metal he hides behind?

I wonder if he is like me. I wonder if he longs for something more. Perhaps we're two of a kind. Pawns in the same game called "Life." Perhaps we've just happened to meet at the same square.

Though I fear the rats, unclean and wicked as they are, I seem to feel that he will keep them away. Perhaps he is my gaurdian angel. Silly isnt it? But a part of me knows that he isn't there to protect me, that the rats have come for him too. Just like me. And I cannot protect the stranger that appears in my sleep. It haunts me.

It's fun to dream yet the dreams gradually get worst and I wonder how long I can take it.

-A. W"

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