It was an Accedent

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Jack Frost POV

It made me sick.

Sitting here everyday,

Every Goddamn day!

Watching the same stupid kids play

And listen to their same loud obnoxious laughter

Seeing the excitement and joy received from MY snow!

And witness them having


The thing that makes me most angry...

So pissed!

Is the simple fact that it was ME who gave them this!

So much happiness!

So much joy!

And what do I get in return?


Nothing, but the pain of being neglected, ignored...

And brushed off as something that doesn't even exist...

I clench my jaw and tighten the grip on my staff

But that all ends today.

I'm sick of being avoided!

Standing up from my seat on top of a parked car, I moved over to the children. Today is the day.

Stepping lightly through the busy streets, I paid no mind to the passing trucks, cars, or busy sidewalks. I new all to well I would successfully make it across. I'm a myth after all, it;s as if I'm not even here, because to them, I'm not. 

I reached the small group of kids around the age of eight or nine who religiously played in this area of town. The kids that have only ever taken advantage of my gift. The kids who left ME, the creator, alone to sit and watch on the sidelines. 

I felt nothing but anger and distaste toward the group, and finally, I would do something about it.

"Look guys, all we gotta do is each of us make one big snowball, sneak up behind Johnny and his friends, and then BAM! We ambush them and make a run for it." The smallest kid in the group confidently informed his friends about his plan of attack.

Their heads bobbed up and down in mutual agreement as they started making their snowballs. I decided on watching, seeing how everythung turned out, it wouldn't hurt anything. It's not like I was in a hurry, or had anything to go do for that matter.

They moved as quiet as possible, for feet against snow, to some teenagers a few yards away.

Almost immediately I recognized the faces of those who were soon to be victims of this small army of midgets.

They were the bully's of Burgess high school. Known for torturing the small defenceless elementary kids.

Well, a small smile spread a cross my face, this should be interesting.


What you would expect is exactly what happened next.

The small group of children threw the snowballs hitting the older kids. Older kids got mad, older kids chased little kids, older kids catch little kids, older kids threaten little kids, and... Well you get the picture.

I decided to make this little fiasco here a little bit more interesting. Using my power to control wind, I cause the same small kid that came up with the idea earlier, to fly up into the air and out of the older kids grasp. The teenagers stared up dumbfounded as I circled him through the air leaving a trail of snowflakes behind him. 

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