After long time

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Hey guys... This is my first work. I hope you will like it. 

 Yoon Hee's POV:

It was too late when I and Hannah came home after going for shopping. We took a taxi and came towards the junction and the road which leads to our home was closed for vehicles because of an event near the road. So that we had to send off the taxi and walk to the house with carrying all the bags.

When we passing the house which had the event few people came out of that house. And there was a familiar face among those people. As soon as I saw that face my heart skipped a beat.

"Oh my god... Is this real. Is it really him...? I can't believe my eyes." My heart shouted inside.

When we getting close to each others he too recognized me and looked straight at my eyes and came towards me and slowly touched my hand. There wasn't much space on the road so that I couldn't miss him. It was the first time for twelve years that we shared a skin ship. We never touched each other for these whole years.

He was the first real love of my life. But we couldn't be ours ever. We just stared at each others every time we met. Couldn't take my eyes off of him. Every time I went out I wished that I could see him somewhere. In these years we met several times but couldn't talk. Always just gazing at each other and passing through was the only thing happened between us.

First touch from him made me feel just nothing. "Why? Why? Why?" That's the only question made me worried from that moment.

12 Years ago

It was late when we came out of the school from after school class. I and Hannah came to the bus stop while chit chatting about some things happened in our class that day.

"Hey have you seen that guy over there. I think he's the one who's been flirting with Jennie." Hannah suddenly told me showing a guy near the bus stop.

"Ah don't you know him? He's Hoseok oppa" I replied.

"Yeah, I think they are already dating. I saw them near the cafeteria today." Hannah said.

"Yeah Jennie told me that. Btw who is the other guy that behind him?" I said.

"Ah I don't know. Maybe one of his friends I guess." Hannah said.

"Whatever. You are coming to school tomorrow right?" I asked from Hannah.

"Sure. Let's meet tomorrow then. See yah" Hannah replied.

"See yah sweetie" We went to separate paths after bidding good bye to each other. As soon as I came to my home I went to take a wash and threw myself off the bed while taking my phone.

The next day

I went to the school early as usual. When I entered to my class I saw Jennie waiting for me. As soon as I sat on my seat, she came towards me shouting "Yun-hee-ah, I was waiting for you. I have something to tell you."

"Whoa whoa just relax. What's that you want to tell me this early in the morning?" I asked surprisingly.

"Did you guys meet Hoseok oppa yesterday near the school bus stop?" Jennie asked curiously.

"Yeah, we saw him there with another guy. Why suddenly asking about that?" I replied.

"Because Hoseok oppa told me that his friend asked about you from him. And he told me to ask you that do you want to meet him." She said.

"What? Um... I just want to think about it before giving an answer." I said to her before taking my phone out of my bag to send a message to Hannah to ask that where she is.

"Well, then tell me at lunch break then I could tell him your answer and let you meet him. I have to go now. Talk to you later darling. Bye" She ran towards her class before the bell rang. We both are in the same age but her class is next to ours.

I waited till Hannah comes to the class. As soon as she came I dragged her to the washroom and told her about what Jennie told me earlier. She was as surprised as me about the matter. I waited to listen to her opinion about this and she finally started to talk.

"Well, why don't you give him a chance to be friends first? When you two became friends you can decide whether you can love him or not? Dating a guy is not a bad thing I guess." Hannah said.

"Mm hmm... then let's try this once. We can tell this to Jennie later. Let's go to the class." I said while walking towards the corridor.

As soon as the bell rang to the lunch break, Jennie came to find me to know my answer. I told her that I would like to be friends with him first because I don't know anything about him.

"Okay, then I will tell him now. Btw you know that he's one of our sunbae. He studies in our school's senior class." Jennie said.

"What, I didn't know that. I haven't seen him before." I said surprisingly.

"Well, now you know that. Just give me ten minutes. I want to meet Hoseok oppa now." She said running towards the stairs to go to the rooftop.

I was bit nervous for this decision because I've never dated anyone before. Let's see that what will happen, we can't decide anything before the start.


Is my story interesting... you can add any comment. I would love to know your thoughts. Wait for next chapter.

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