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My Love : Hey baby. are you free right now?

Me : Hi Jiminie... Yeah why? Is there any problem?

My love : Oh no it's not a big deal. I just want to see you. Can you come to the park now?

Me : Sure. I'll come. Just give me 20 minutes to get ready okay?

My Love : Okay... I'll wait there. See you baby.

Me : See you Jiminie

Yoon Hee was reading a book when Jimin texted her in the evening. She ran in to the bathroom to get ready. It was 5.00 p.m. when she ran out of the house to meet Jimin. As soon as she went to the place they usually meet, she saw Jimin was sitting on the bench they always sit. She went towards him and sat with him and shouted,


"Woah what's wrong with you baby. Don't shout like that" Jimin looked bit angry.

"What's wrong with you baby. Why are you angry?" Yoon Hee asked.

"Nothing. I just argued with my friends." Jimin said.

"What? With the friends we met today?" Yoon Hee asked. She was worried about him because they looked very friendly with each others. She didn't expect such situation.

"Ummm.... Actually not all of them. It's just Yoongi hyung. He's bit different than others." Jimin replied.

"What did he said to you to be this much angry?"

"He said that he will take you away from me." Jimin's voice became worried saying that.

"What? Oh come on Jiminie. He can't do such thing." Yoon Hee laughed.

"How can I know that?" Jimin sounds bit disappointed. 

"Are you doubting me because of the stupid thing that your friend said to you?" Yoon Hee's voice became law. She felt sad because she never thought that he will say such thing to her.

"No I trust you. But I can't trust Yoongi hyung. He will do that for sure." Jimin said.

"What the hell Jimin. Don't think that I will ever cheat on you because of your own friend's stupid words. You are the one who told that there's no love where's no trust. Don't you remember you own words now?" Yoon Hee was bit angry at that time.

"Hmmm... I know that. I trust you baby." Jimin looked away without looking at Yoon Hee's eyes.

"I came to tell you someting about Yoongi hyung that Hannah told me. But I think it's good if I don't." Yoon Hee said looking at Jimin. He was looking at her with wide eyes when she said Yoongi's name.

"What it is? Just tell me right now. I want to know. Tell me?" Jimin's face expressions changed. He looked angry a lot.

"It's not a big deal baby. She just said that Yoongi Hyung went to the same preschool with her brother and he lives near her house. That's all." Yoon Hee's eyes were filled with tears which are struggling to fall down soon.

"Are you crying baby. Please don't cry. I was just upset about him. I'm afraid that you will leave me one day. Please I will never talk about this again. I promise." Jimin's eyes filled with tears too.

"Hmmm... Just never think such stupid things baby. I will never leave you. Trust me. I love you more than myself." Yoon Hee said looking at Jimin's eyes.

"I trust you baby. Come on let's go home now. It's getting late." Jimin walked her to the home and gave her a forehead kiss before leaving to go to his own house.

Yoon Hee was so sad that she cried all the way home while holding Jimin's hands. Jimin tried his best to make her smile but it didn't worked. She just fake smiled when Jimin bid goodbye to her with a pout. Jimin knew that he was stupid to make her sad because of such a thing.

She went to sleep as soon as she went inside the house and didn't bother to take dinner. She just sent a message to Jimin saying that she's going to sleep early today. It was the first ever argument between them. She never thought that Jimin will say such things. It's true that Yoongi hyung is handsome and she will like him if he met her before Jimin. But it didn't happened. She's with Jimin right now and she loves him so much. She can't even think about a life without Jimin. 

Yoon Hee went to sleep with tearful eyes that day for the first time after she met Jimin.


Sorry for short chapters and late updates guys. Please don't give up on my story. I will try my best to update as soon as possible 💜️

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