I'm sorry (Author's note)

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Heya guys! I'm sorry for not posting anything this past few weeks. I have my reasons, okay?

First off, A storm had hit our region and we are now experiencing a major blackout. I don't think it's called major anymore since some places already have electricity. AND OUR SUBDIVISION IS STILL IN PAIN!! Justice, people! Where the hell is justice in there?! Ahem... second, My phone was broken. So I couldn't use my android phone, leaving me using the java phone.  But I fixed it (Hell yeah!) and it's alright now. Third, schooooooooooool....

Now that my phone is fixed, I can use my data connection to update (hooraaah) I'll make up for the weeks I'm absent :D Hope you're still hanging in there.

Alright, that is all. I shall update again later or tomorrow. Thank you for the considerations, dudes. Love ya~ Jaa ne~

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