Phoenix Meet Arrow

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I don't own the Flash!!! Or Arrow!!!

Barry ran to the abandoned apartment building where the ping from the stolen cash had come from. He got there just in time as a cop shot at Joe. Suddenly Phoenix flew in and knocked the guy back with a gentle blast. As the man fell a net shot from and arrow flew over his head. Barry and Joe sat up and stared.

Phoenix glared and groaned audibly "Seriously man? I had this. You just had to show up and ruin all the fun." She pouted and flew away out the window.

"Nice mask," The Arrow called to Barry and jumped out a trapdoor on the ceiling. Barry grinned.


Barry beat Oliver to Diggle and Felicity by seconds.

"By the way, I gave Oliver like, an half hour head start." He boasted.

"Hi Barry." Felicity waved, drink from Big Belly Burger still in hand.

"Hey, Felicity." Barry smiled "How you doing Dig?" He asked the stunned man.

"You're fast."

"And you're a Master of the obvious!" Called a voice from above. Barry flashed on his mask as Phoenix floated down and landed softly in front of them.

"You're on fire."

"Why thank you Mr. Diggle! You really know how to make a girl feel special." Phoenix giggled.

Barry, deciding to deal with the fiery superhero later, asked "Did you guys not tell him about me?"

"Seeing is believing, or... drooling." Felicity chuckled.

"Ah Felicity Smoak! I've heard so much about you!" Phoenix was hiding her anger at the Arrow with excitement.

Suddenly the Arrow pulled up on his motorcycle and stormed up to the Flash.

"Hey, thanks for showing up back there, but I had that." Barry told him.

"Ha! You mean I had that!" Phoenix laughed.

The Arrow looked at the Flash, then at Phoenix, then back at the Flash before pointing to the female superhero "Who's this?" He asked darkly.

"Name's Phoenix! And you Mr. Queen took my shot at that meta!"

Suddenly an arrow was pointed at her nose. "How do you know my name?!" He growled. Dig, Felicity, and Barry all took a step back.

"Easy with that pal! You might hurt somebody! Relax, I've known for a while. Batman told me."

"You know Batman?!" Diggle and Felicity screamed.

"Yes." The Arrow managed then lowered his bow "How do you know him?"

"Simple! We're friends! We work together." Phoenix was so cheery it made Oliver's head hurt. "Anyway I just came to do this..." and she punched him in the face.

"Ow! What was that for!?" Oliver asked indignantly.

"A few things. First you almost took my head off the last time I was in Starling, and second that shot you took tonight nearly killed that Meta." Phoenix scolded him "Now I do need to get going, I have a life and even superheroes need sleep! Ta-ta!" And she flew off into the night.

"She's on fire."

"I know Dig." Barry and Oliver sighed together.


As Bella got ready for her first day back at work since the "incident" she smiled. She knew Oliver Queen was in town and she knew she'd meet him probably today. She was happy she'd punched him, he'd most likely have a nasty bruise.

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