Revenge of the Rouges

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I don't own the Flash!!!

There was a break in. Someone had frozen a wall and driven a car through it to trap the Flash. Phoenix arrived at the same time as the cops. No one was there. She cursed and looked around for the Flash but he was nowhere to be found.


Bella walked into the precinct with coffee for Joe, Eddie, and Barry. She may be mad at him right now but she still loved him. As she walked into Barry's lab she heard them talking indistinctly but she came in anyway and dropped off the coffee without speaking.

"Hey! Who's that fifth cup for sweetheart?" Joe asked her.

Smiling mysteriously she answered "A friend." And she left.

When she got back to her apartment she pulled on her Phoenix suit and flew out to meet up with Martin Stein.

"Hello Professor Stein!" She called spotting him under the bridge "How are you today?"

"I am quite well Miss Phoenix," he replied shakily accepting the coffee "we have considered your offer and we accept the training but we cannot impose on you in your own home."

"Really it's no trouble." Phoenix assured them.

"No but we do appreciate the offer."

"If you're sure." She sighed. Then her crime detection device went off. "Sorry looks like there's trouble. We can meet for training tomorrow morning in the field outside of town. See you there!" She called as she flew off.

Captain Cold was in the process of stealing a prized piece of modern art from the airport when Phoenix and the police showed up. When Phoenix got there a man was yelling.

"Why do they call you people the heat? I'm the heat!"

"Really?" She called "Cause you look like you're pretty reliant on that gun of yours!"

He growled and shot fire at her from his gun. She was alight suddenly. It just felt like a tickle to her but she heard cops screaming in horror as she floated to the ground.

"Aww! You guys care about me!" She joked. Then shook herself and the fire went out, then she flicked her wrist at the fire on the ground and it went out too. Joe and Eddie stared at her.

"Thanks." Joe finally managed.

"No problem." She laughed "Now I need a word with the Flash. Why isn't he here?"

"He um thinks we can handle it." Joe stuttered.

"Well, be glad I was here. You all would be dead otherwise." Phoenix scolded and flew away.


Bella went with Caitlin to talk to Jason Rush the next night. The talk gave them few answers and more questions. As they were walking out to her car, Caitlin insisted on driving Bella home, the door was hit with a stream of ice. They turned around slowly to see two men.

"Car trouble?" One of them asked. The women started to scream as the larger one grabbed them.

'Crap. Why does this keep happening to me?' Bella thought.


"Joe! Anything?" Barry asked hurrying up to his foster dad.

"There's no sight of Caitlin or Bella." Joe worried.

"Oh my God." Barry whispered. "We're getting them back. We have to find Snart."

"Damn right we do." Joe agreed "Come on, let's go." And they left the crime scene.


After Snart's invitation for a fight and the threats on Caitlin and Bella's lives, Mick was trying to scare Caitlin and Bella with fire. It wasn't working out as planned.

"Do whatever you want with me but leave him alone." Caitlin told the arsonist.

"He won't come for me," Bella told the criminals "he doesn't even know me. He saved me once but that wasn't about me. It was about a stupid Metahuman."

Caitlin got quiet.

"What?" Bella snapped "It's not like I know him or anything. Oh quit trying to scare me with that little match!" She yelled at Rory "You won't burn me."

"Wanna bet little lady?" He asked.

"Sure. Your boss over there doesn't want damaged goods."

"Bella, shut up!" Caitlin hissed.

"No." Bella growled "Burn me all you want but let her go. She's not a part of this."

"Isn't she?" Snart questioned "She works with your little buddy the Flash."

"Well duh!" Bella exclaimed "She's a doctor. I'm sure she's patched up everyone in the city with superpowers at some point or another. And the Flash does get his butt kicked quite a bit in case you hadn't noticed."

"Fine. Let her go Mick." Snart growled "But keep the kid."

Rory untied Caitlin and shoved her out the door. "Now can I burn the kid Snart?"

"No, not yet."

"Actually after my friend gets far enough away and you leave I'll be escaping on my own thank you very much." Bella smirked.

"And just how do you plan on doing that missy?" Snart asked.

"Like I'd be dumb enough to tell you my plan."

"Mick! C'mon. We've got a fight with the Flash to win. She can't get out of her bonds and even if she does the trap will kill her quick enough."

She sat there for close to an hour, alone and bored. Then Joe and Cisco walked in. Cisco ran up to her but set off the trap and she was knocked over and untied by Joe.

"Thanks," she muttered "Now I gotta go." And she ran out. She changed into her Phoenix suit in the air and flew as fast as she could to where the Flash was fighting Captain Cold and Heatwave.

"I can't get them to cross streams. Speed isn't getting it done." The Flash shouted.

"Then maybe you need a woman's touch, Flash." She called as she floated down.

"Argh! You!" Mick screamed and shot her with fire.

The Flash screamed and she just sighed. "Really you should have more faith in me." She told him "Now I got Rory. You take Snart." 

Barry realized what Phoenix was doing and took her advice. He got Snart to fire at him and then cross streams with Mick. Then they stood over Snart together and the Flash thanked Eddie and ran off but he took Phoenix with him.

Barry flashed them to STAR labs and set down the fiery super hero.

"What the hell?" She asked.

"I think it would be a good idea for us to work together." The Flash told the burning girl. "Um, could you... um put yourself out?"

"What? Oh sorry." She shook herself and the flames went out. "Work together? The Flash and Phoenix working together! Ha! Sorry pal but I'm not sure that's a good idea. You abandoned the people when Snart and Rory stole that art. You only got involved when your friend and that girl got kidnapped. How am I supposed to know you won't do the same next time? How am I supposed to trust you?"

"I won't!" Barry said angrily "I know how to make you trust me!" He had an idea.

He took off his mask and Phoenix gasped. "Barry Allen?"

Word count : 1171 words

Two chapters in one day, wow! I really hope you liked it. Please comment, vote, and add to your reading lists!
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