Chapter 1. Untitled

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 Sophia's  POV

I've just gotten out of a huge break up 3 months ago, (Longest I've been single, I know sad.) I've been posting on social media pretty often because i'm home schooled and I have so much free time. I've been obsessed with this social media influencer named Colby Brock. I've been obsessed with him since I was 13... Now 15 years old knowing he is 6 years older than me and i'll never actually meet him. I'll probably get my comment liked or a "Hi" back from him but i'll never ACTUALLY meet him, I should probably tell you my name, Its Sophia Miller. I'm a freshmen in high school but i'm home schooled, because its "cheaper" I mean I guess. I'm basically almost done though I only have 10 more credits to do before I finish... But then I get a notification... It was telling me that Colby has posted something on his story:

Colby: Hey guys! I'm going to Lancaster CA just for 3 months working on a huge project for you guys! Meet and greet Monday at 5pm at the blvd!

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Colby: Hey guys! I'm going to Lancaster CA just for 3 months working on a huge project for you guys! Meet and greet Monday at 5pm at the blvd!

   I jumped up out of my bed squirming and jumping and just being happy didn't know what to do. My older sister Olivia came in my room and told me to shut up since it was 1 in the morning. I HAVE to go. I got to. But then I remember my ex and ex- best friend Liam like him alooooot and I am just like fuuuck. Liam texted me... "Hey... can we talk?" I look at the text for a few mins, I didn't know what to do... Should I text him or should I not. Were off and on friendship, well i dont even know if we are friends, but I guess I can text him back.

Sophia: Yeah, whats up?

Liam: Me and Ava broke up...

Sophia: Oh... Why if its ok for me to ask? And why are you talking to me I thought you disliked me.

Liam: Because I guess i'm a bad boyfriend and you thought wrong I don't... I actually... nvm.

Why is he acting this way? Does he like me again? More than Friends?

Sophia: Well i'm here if you want to talk. I'm always here.

Liam: I know thanks... I uh...nvm.

Sophia: Ok.

I got to get ready! I'm going to see Colby in 3 hours! What should I wear?

I got to get ready! I'm going to see Colby in 3 hours! What should I wear?

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1,200 likes Colby Brock liked this

Kind.Sophia: Give a girl a break I'm meeting someone special!


I know my dress is kinda fancy but its COLBY BROCK! Come on! You gotta look good for him.

So I posted it on Instagram also. Haha Come on give a girl a break, I mean  at least i'm getting tons of likes. I got a notification again and I see his name... (Colby Brock liked your post) Oh. My. God! He liked my post! I grabbed my skateboard and skated to to blvd. I live down the street from there so it didn't take me long to skate there.

I already see a line full of girls *Ding* I heard my phone go off. Liam: Hey you at the blvd? Sophia: Yeah where you at? Liam: Look in front of you. lol.

I look up from my phone and I see Liam standing there with his skateboard in one hand and his phone in another. I forgot what he looked like up close... He was still cute. "Hey soph." His smile is pretty to. "Hey Liam, long time since we hanged out." I smiled back.

Liam's POV

God she still is beautiful her hair is still cutely short and blue... I messed up. I wish I could tell her... But I can't. "Yeah it has. Wanna meet Colby?" She looked at me. "Yeah lets get in line before it gets any bigger haha." Her laugh is still so adorably cute. I'm going to tell her later I have to, I'm still in love with her after 10 months... Even when I was with Ava. I felt bad after being an asshole to her. I was only an asshole because of Sabrina and her boyfriend James. I'm going to make it up to her. I lied to Ava about me focusing on school I broke up with her because she was also starting too much drama and making Sophia upset and for basically begging me to stay with her. I was just tired of her completely.

Sophia's POV

We were the last 2 people in line since he was leaving soon. Me and Liam were next... here we go, don't freak out. "Hey guys how are ya?" his voice is deeper in real life."I'm doing ok." I reply, I can feel my face turning red. "Want a picture or video?" He asked. "Picture is fine with all 3 of us?" He nods his head, He puts his arm around my should and he puts his elbow on Liam's shoulder. "Thank you." I smile. "Be sure to post it and tag me." He said as he hugged me. we hugged for a long time. I see Liam take a picture of it. I hope Colby doesn't notice.

Colby's POV

She is the cutest of shy girls. I don't say this about fans but she is so pretty and beautiful. I can tell her friend does to. I think I know her shes always liking and commenting on my post I think she even dm'd me to, I got to see. This is my first fan crush. "Hey, before you go whats your name?" I asked smiling. "Its Sophia my friends call me Soph or Sophie. Sometimes Popcorn because i'm always jumpy." She giggle. God shes so cute.

Liams POV

I see the way he looks at her, he looks at her the way I do. I mean i'm in love with her to so I don't blame him but, I had her first plus she doesn't do long distance. Sorry Colby but shes mine... Well going to be. I remember when she told me that she would take me back in the future... I hope she still means it.

Sophias POV

I see Colby and Liam look at me in a weird way. I mean the way all of my boyfriends looked at me when they first saw me. "Well it was nice FINALLY meeting you Colby, have a nice boring time in Lancaster since theirs nothing really fun here to do." I smiled at him. "Well I guess i'm going to have to hang out with you, tomorrow meet here?" Did he really just say that? Did he really just ask me to hang out with him! "Yeah, just text me. Uh want my number or Instagram?" I asked. "Both." He giggled Oh my god! I'm giving COLBY BROCK my number, I put in my digits and he went on instagram and asked for my username, "It's Kind.Sophia." He followed me. I'm so happy right now! 

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