Chapter 6. The Truth...

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Sophia's POV

Soph: "This is not what I expected. I guess my dream came true!."

Colbs: "Dream came true huh?"

Soph: "Yea, I've always dreamt that the  Colby Brock would be my  boyfriend. Buh, you know your six years older than me and I just kinda knew that it will always be a dream until a couple of days ago." I said while smiling. My face turned red as well. I only told my best friend Katie that.

Colbs: "Well I guess my dream came true to." he said smiling.

Soph: "What do you mean?"

Colbs: "Well you know how I've been single for years, and I've seen your pictures on Instagram  and on your snap chat stories and I kinda fell in love. You listen to my kind of music and your confident in your self, and you wear the same clothes as me. You help people, you explore places like me and Sam. I just thought 'wow she's perfect.'  Then you said you were 15 and I was kinda down because your so perfect for me. I mean I could've waited three years but, I just wanted you already." He said with a giggle.

Soph: "Well you have me now, and I'm not leaving. Also I've known you and Sam for seven years, well not personally know you guys buh, I've watched y'all since vine. You and Sam saved me from going suicide three times." Colbs: " Three times?!" Soph: "Yea I've had a hard time with myself. I might seem confident buh, I hate the way I look. I feel fat some days and too skinny others. Then that video where you guys explained what you liked in girls and that other video were you did your first #askcolby I listened and when you said "You don't have to be a cookie cutter plastic Barbie." That's when I knew I just need to be myself and I did and that's when I started posting more full body pictures and being myself. So yeah you and Sam are my hero's." I said smiling big.

Colbs: "Wow I never knew that. That means a lot to me and Sam you know, just hearing that makes us very happy and knowing we help people be more confident in their self makes us feel like were actually making a change in the world." He smiled.

-Hours Past-

Colbs: "Were in L.A.!"

Soph: "L.A. My favorite city!"

Colbs: "And why is that? Hm?"

Soph: "I don't know actually. At first I thought it was because of you. But I did some research on the history and I've grown to fall in love with it."

Colbs: "Ahh your a history kinda girl. My favorite."

He parked his car in front of his and Sam's apartment building.

Soph: "I've seen this building in so many videos and now I'm going to live in it with my two favorite people in my favorite city." I was so excited I jumped up and down until we got to the apartment.

Colbs: "Calm down babe, I know your excited but, I don't want you to be hurting yourself."

Soph: "Sowwy, Can I knock on the door and pretend to be a delivery he never ordered?"

Colbs: "Yea let me go out side and pretend i'm just walking in." He winked, Gahh he is so perfect.

Soph: I stood in the hallway for a couple of minutes and Colby texted me a 'ok'  to knock. I stood their for a few more minutes. I'm about to meet my favorite youtuber, The youtuber that's like a brother to me. The youtuber that's best friends with my boyfriend. My boyfriend who is also my favorite youtuber. How did this happen. How did I get so lucky with this. I knock on the door... "Delivery for Sam Golbach!" He opened the door.

Sam: "Uh, I didn't order anything." He looked confused. It was funny. I couldn't stand it. So I pretended to check the order and texted Colby to come up.

Soph: "It says here you did order something sir." Then Colby turned the corner.

Colbs: "Heyy Sammy boy, Oh I see you meet my girlfriend."

Soph: Sam looked at me up and down then looked at Colby. Then I started to get anxiety, I felt like I was too young for Colby. Witch I am.

Sam: "Colby, how old is she?" Colby looked at him.

Colbs: "Ask her." Colby look irritated. He hates when people ask my age.

Sam: "How old are you. Sorry I didn't get your name either."

Soph: "My name is Sophia. You can call me Sopie, and I'm 15. I'll be 16 next month." He looked at Colby again.

Sam: "Can I talk to you alone Colby. It will just be a minute Sophia." Sam looked upset. I've never seen Sam like that..

Colbs: "Yea sure. Here Soph, go get your stuff." I nodded and took the car keys.

Colby and Sam walked into the apartment and I heard Sam yelling. I've never heard Sam yell. I knew I shouldn't have come. I just knew it. I am too young for L.A. i'm too young for Colby I'm not enough for him. I walked into the elevator and when it hit the bottom floor I started to cry. I knew what was going to happen and I just let him take me. I know I love him buh, he is 22 and i'm 15! I shouldn't be dating him at all. Ugh. I want to leave my favorite city. I don't belong here. I walked to Colby's car and I sat on the trunk and cried for a long time until I heard a similar voice.

Colbs: "Sophie! whats wrong?!"

Soph: "I shouldn't have come here. I'm too young for this." I cried harder.

Colbs: "Hey! No your not! I'm here for you baby! Sam is just in a bad mood. He said you can live with us. He doesn't mind that. He is just worried because of age difference. But, I told him we have it all worked out." He picked my head up.

Soph: "Are you sure because I don't wanna be a bug."

Colbs: "Yes i'm sure. Your not a bug babe." He took me off the car and helped me get our stuff.

-Hours past-

We have all our stuff unpacked me and Colby are sharing a room together. I'm on my laptop writing on Wattpad (Hehe). Then Sam walks in.


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