Chapter 3. Age is just a number

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I couldn't believe he kissed me back yesterday. I gave him my number he said he will text me later. I mean I don't know how to react to this. *Ding* I heard my phone....

Colby <3: Heyyy <3

Me: Hi.

Colby <3: So yesterday was something huh?

Me: I mean yea...

Colby <3: You ok?

Me: Yea... Actually No... I'm 6 year younger than you Colby... You could get arrested.

Colby <3: Yea.. I know. But if no one finds out...

Me: We could try, but NO ONE can know.

Colby <3: Agreed.

Wow, what did I get myself into... We both could get into mega trouble. But, I guess we could try. *ding* my phone went off again... it was Liam. Oh shit. fuck. fuck. fuck. Just breathe Sophie you can do this. 

Liam: Hey we need to talk... Meet me at the blvd.

Me: Omw.

Ugh. Why me? Why now? What the fuck is gonna happen. I mean Liam does get a little crazy at points. But, he saw me and Colby. ME AND COLBY BROCK KISSING! He's probably going to kill him or me! I don't know what to do. I guess I better get going. I grabbed my skateboard and skated to the blvd. Here goes nothing....

Sophie: "Hey Liam..."

Liam: "Hey."

Sophie:" So whats up?"

Liam: "I love you, and I mean it. I don't care if you don't love me back I just want to feel you in my arms."

Sophie: "No. Stop. Last time this happened everything went to shit. You blocked me and told me to fuck off. Then went out with my BEST FRIEND LIZZY AND NOW WE AREN'T FRIENDS ANYMORE BECAUSE OF YOUR BULLSHIT. "

Liam: "Sophie. I'm sorry its not my fault I FELT THAT WAY, ITS NOT MY FAULT I STILL LOVE YOU!"


And with that I started to walk until I felt something grab my wrist. "Sophie please." "Liam no." I tried to shrug him off but it didn't work. "Liam your hurting me let go!" I started to tear up because it hurt so much. "No, not until you accept that I love you." I tried and tried to get his grip off of my wrist but the more I tried the more he grabbed. "Liam please!" and with that I turned around and saw Liam on the floor I felt a warm hug around my waist. "It's ok your with me now." I looked up to beautiful ocean eyes... Colby. I felt safe around him. "I-is he dead?" I asked. "No just knocked out. Wanna come to my hotel?" I sighed, "Yes please!" We started to walk back to the hotel.

Sophie: "How did you know I was there?"

Colby: "I didn't I was walking around and heard yelling and I walked to it and saw you crying and trying to get loose of his grip."

Sophie: "Oh. That explains alot. Thanks." I said with a smile

Colby: "No problem baby girl." he said with a smirk. ughhh he's so cute!

Sophie: "What am I going to sleep in?"

Colby's POV

Colby: "You could sleep in one of my shirts. Here" I handed her one of my shirts. I hope she moves back to L.A. with me, because if not then I would be lonely again and long distance is hard especially when your a social media person. I hope she does...

Colby: She comes out of the bathroom.... How is she only 15?!?! She looks 18. Ugh I really it wasn't against the laws for a 21 year old to date a 15 year old like age is just a number....

(HEY GUYS! I know i haven't updated recently buh, i have been very very busy with school and homework! more updates to come though!)

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