Chapter 8. New Girl/Haters Begin

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Sophia's POV

Me, Sam, and Colby are getting ready to film. I was in my PJ's so I decided to change into this:

 I was in my PJ's so I decided to change into this:

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I walked into the living room and I see that Sam and Colby were almost done setting up.

Soph: "Hey guys, need any help?"

Sam and Colby: "No, But be prepared the fans have a lot of comments to ask, but were only gonna ask about maybe 8.'

Soph: "Oh ok."

They finally finished setting up and we all sit down.

Colbs: "Whats up guys its Sam and Colby." He smiled then scooted closer to me.

Sammy: "Today we have a guest. You guys know her from my video. Its Sophia!!!" He smiled big.

Soph: "Hi guys!" I waved to the camera.

Colbs: "She's actually our new roommate! Yes I said it ROOMATE! Its still Sam and Colby were just gonna have a sidekick its now Sam, Colby and Sophia. Me and Sam are so excited to have her. We meet her not too long ago and she's an amazing person! Lets get with the questions shall we?"

Sammy: " Ok, first question. How old are you?" Colby's smiled went down real fast. I answered.

Soph: "I'm 18."

Colby: "Ok next question. Are you and Sam dating?" Colby's face started to turn red.

Soph: "No i'm currently single right now. I just out of a really bad break up and I just need a break." I tried saying that without crying.

Sammy: "Next question, Whats your real hair color?"

Soph: "Easy, Blonde. I was a like a really light blonde."

Colbs: "Ooo. Next question is spicy. What do you like in guys?"

Soph: "Well, i'm bi so ill answer for both genders. I like guys who are confident in themselves like if I send a picture they will send a silly one back. I like guys who are not afraid to try something new. Oh! And a must is he has to LOVE to explore, and pretty much the same for girls. Also, a turn on for both is eye contact. Its always the eyes." I winked to Colby in the camera I think he saw because he pretended to stretch his arm and his arm went behind us and he had his hand on my back.

Sammy: "Hmm interesting. Ok next question, What color are your eyes?"

Soph: "Grayish Greenish Blue. Yes those exact colors haha."

Colbs: "Those colors are pretty. Next question, Whats your favorite color(s)?"

Soph: "Ooo, I have multiple, Orange, Black, Purple, Midnight Blue, and Jade Green."

Sammy: "Now those are pretty colors, Last question, Who do you like better Sam or Colby?"

Colby stared at Sam and Sam was staring at me.

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