do you even feel anything?

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Chapter 16


Finn murmured her name sleepily, his hand going to the left in a slow, absentminded move to pull Millie into his arms.

The most natural gesture in the world, right?

His mind was still too fuzzy to remember that they haven't slept in the same bed for almost a week, that it wasn't her side of the bed anymore. His eyes fluttered open when his fingers met emptiness, grazing the soft fabric of the blanket, the other side of the bed cold.

The realization hit him all at once. Working late, coming back home to see Millie completely broken, their conversation, their kiss... Closing the door, crying half of the night till the exhaustion took over, finally managing to fall asleep when the night started turning into a day, first rays of sun pouring in through the blinds, filling the bedroom with a bright light...

Everything that happened... No, it wasn't a bad dream.

Finn groaned, burying his face into the pillow. His lungs immediately filled with the faint scent of Millie's shampoo and those lavender oils she kept putting on the bed sheets.

Yeah. He was sleeping in her bed today.

Maybe it was lame to sleep here, to desperately hold onto the remnants of her scent, but he literally couldn't care less. That was all he had. He just... He really didn't want to sleep in their old bedroom.

Propping himself on his elbow, he ran his hand over his face and let out a sigh. Then he grabbed his phone from the nightstand, a silent curse escaping his lips at the sight of a black screen. He plugged the phone into the charger and waited for a while before turning it on.

The screen lit up, the phone buzzing only a few seconds later. Missed calls, texts, app notifications... Nothing from Millie, not that he expected a message from her. Why would his ex-girlfriend text him, anyway?

His ex-girlfriend.

Finn swallowed roughly, his eyes squeezed shut, his face immediately scrunching up in sadness just at the mere thought of her.

He would've never suspected to ever have an ex-girlfriend. He really thought that nothing would ever separate them. They've known each other for so long that it felt like she has been with him since forever, he almost didn't remember the life without her. What was he supposed to do now?, he wondered, running his hand through his hair in a nervous manner. Millie supposed to always be in his life, there was nothing in this world he was more sure of.

And now she was gone.

His phone buzzed again, snapping him out of his thoughts. The new notification popped up on the screen, reminding him about the photoshoot with Calpurnia at 12:30 PM. He turned off the alarm with a weary sigh. Great, it's not like he was late or anything, of course not. No wonder he had so many missed calls from all Calpurnia's members.

Well, he didn't feel like working today, he thought, his head hitting the pillow once again, his face hidden behind his hands. All he wanted was to stay in bed all day and forget about work, photoshoots, responsibilities, about the world all around.

Guess the world didn't want to forget about him.

The next thing he heard was the sound of key in the lock. He jumped out of the bed and got out of the room, almost stumbling on the way to the door.

And... There she was, standing in the doorway, so beautiful and so very, very real.

'M-Millie?' he stammered, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion as he took a few steps towards her.

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