there's oceans between you and me

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Chapter 14

And then Tuesday came.

Then Wednesday. Thursday. And Friday.

Finn and Millie haven't spoken a word to each other for four days.

Their fight proved that they were both too hurt to think straight. It was only a matter of time before they lost their tempers. After all those weeks of longing, frustration, worrying, crying, uncertainty and fake smiles, all these emotions finally found their way out. She had no idea that it was possible, but they grew apart even more, sometimes it felt like they were close to each other and far away at the same time. Maybe they could be fixed, but that required effort on both sides and... They both were simply too stubborn to do something about it.

They ignored each other completely.

What's worse, it seemed like almost nothing happened. The days have passed and Finn and Millie were exactly at the same point they've been before. Finn was busy with work, finishing recording the album, coming back late just like always, while Millie was asleep - or pretending to be asleep. There was a silence everywhere as if it was some stupid kind of game. It seemed like they were trying to find out which one of them is more stubborn.

So far it is a tie.

They were barely seeing each other. They weren's seeing each other at all, actually. Nothing new, right? Well, except for the fact that they didn't make up for it in the morning and before going to sleep. She didn't fall asleep in his arms anymore. They didn't text each other during the day. They didn't kiss goodnight. They didn't talk, they didn't eat together, they didn't sleep together.

Together? No, it wasn't a word that would have something in common with them anymore. It was the last thing that could've described them right now.

Was there anything to do beside waiting?

But, if you think about it... Waiting for what, exactly? For them to get better? To get worse?

Could it be even worse than this?, Millie wondered, looking around the dark and empty apartment.

And maybe she was used to it, to the silence, to those empty walls, but... It was kind of late, actually. It was short after midnight and it was a common knowledge that Finn comes back home late, but not that late. Especially that she came back home today later than usual because of the charity event. She was presenting the new campaign at UNICEF's headquarters in New York alongside with the other goodwill ambassadors. There were also a few interviews afterwards.

After coming back right from the airport, she expected that Finn would be here already. It would have never crossed her mind that arriving this late, she would be welcomed with the empty apartment. Looking around, she slipped out of her shoes and turned on the light, unable to stand this creepy darkness anymore. The door of their bedroom was open ajar, their bed made and empty.

She almost shuddered, feeling the nervousness crawling under her skin. Something was off.

As she stood in the corridor, her phone dinged a couple of times, the sound echoing between the walls. Fishing the phone out of her bag, she hoped for some message from Finn, but it was just a bunch of notifications from the UNICEF's official Instagram account. It turned out that she was tagged on their Insta Story and in the photos of today's event.

She ignored it for now, deciding to call Finn first. She tapped onto his name on the contact list and waited for him to answer.

The problem was that he didn't pick up. She called him again, but... Yeah. Still no answer.

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