I'd give it all just to hold you close

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Chapter 21

Finn has been planning this for months. He wanted it to be perfect, but... It looked like all of it couldn't be more far off from "perfect".

They've been fighting for weeks, he wasn't able to recall their last normal conversation since media started accusing Millie for Finn rejecting the role in that French movie, their relationship becoming all about yelling, harsh words and blaming each other for every little thing.

Well, it's not like he could do anything about it right now. He was the first person to reach out and suggest a truce, now it was her move to accept it or not. Still, doubts and insecurities clouded his mind because... For real, was it a good idea? Buying the apartment as an olive branch? 

An accurate representation of how crazy his ideas could be.

God, he really couldn't choose a worse moment to show Millie the apartment, their apartment... If she says "yes", of course.

What wasn't that obvious and sure at the moment.

'You're ever gonna say anything or...' Finn started, trying to interrupt the silence that has been surrounding them for a little too long for his own liking.

Millie averted her eyes from some weird looking painting on the wall and looked at him incredulously, creasing her forehead.

'Why did you even drag me here, I swear if it's another of your crazy ideas-'

'Could you stop for a second and-'

'No! I'm still mad at you, just so you know.'

'Great 'cause I'm still mad at you, too.' Finn said, irritated. 'Tell me something I don't know.'

She only huffed in response, shaking her head. She literally looked like she's had enough already and he hadn't even gotten to the point yet.

'You know what? I don't have time for this. Whatever it is that you want to talk about, I want you to tell me now!'

A deep, exasperated sigh escaped his mouth. Jesus, she was so slow.

'You really don't know why we're here?'

'So you can break up with me in some fancy apartment?'

'You think it's fancy?' Finn asked, a second later his expression turning into pure confusion. 'Wait, what are you talking about?'

'Don't act like you don't know! We haven't talked for the last two weeks, haven't seen each other for almost a month and today you called me out of the blue, telling me you want to "talk"? And then we spent the whole car ride quiet and you've been all nervous and jittery since the moment we got here so tell me, what else could it be, huh? Do you think I'm stupid?!'

And even though she seemed angry, shouting all those words... She also looked scared, her voice wavering, her arms now wrapped tightly around herself as if she wanted to brace herself for the worst.

'You thought I was going to break up with you? Millie, I wanted to ask you to move in with me!' Finn said. Seeing her shocked expression, he clasped his hand over his eyes and added. 'Uh... Oh, God, it didn't sound smooth at all.'

'You...' she started hesitantly, her eyes widening. 'You wanted us to move in together? Here?'

'Yeah...' he scratched his head awkwardly. 'I mean... Yeah. I bought it. For us.'

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