why do I still want you the same?

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Chapter 24

'Millie, are you going to throw up?' Noah asked, opening the door to his apartment and walking her inside.

'No.' Millie shook her head, taking Finn's jacket off of her.

'Are you sure?'


'Umm...' Noah scratched his head, watching Millie struggling to take her shoes off, her back leaned against the wall for support. She didn't even bother to bend down and untie shoelaces of her Converse, instead deciding on rubbing her heels together to take them off. 'Try to be quiet, though, Chloe is-'

His words got drown out by the sound of shattering glass. Somehow, still leaning against the wall, Millie managed to move one of photo frames, making it fall on the floor.

'Jeez, Bobby, you clumsy ass.' Finn sighed, pulling Millie closer to him, holding her from behind, his arms wrapped around her stomach to stop her from moving and stepping on the glass.

'Oh, no, Noah, I'm so sorry...' Millie gasped, clamping her hand over her mouth, looking around at the mess she made, all these glass pieces scattered on the floor. 'I will buy you tons of photo frames, I promise!'

'Don't worry about-'

Suddenly, the door on the left opened as Noah's twin sister came out into the hall.

'What is going on here? Do you know what time is it?' Chloe asked, leaning against the doorframe, her voice annoyed. 'I have classes in the morning.'

'Sorry about that.' Finn muttered. 'Hello, by the way.'

'Hi, Chloe!' Millie exclaimed with a big smile plastered across her face.

'Hi, guys.' Chloe said with a dramatic sigh. 'How are you, Millie?'

'I'm great! We have a little "Stranger things" reunion!' she shouted excitedly. 'You know what, we should call Caleb!'

'Millie, honey, it's past 3 AM.' Chloe rolled her eyes.

'Chloe, stop whining and give Millie some pyjamas, okay?' Noah asked.

'Ugh, yeah... Hold on.' she said, walking back to her room and coming back with some shorts and a T-shirt a moment later.

'Oh, wait, do you have makeup wipes?' Noah added, looking at Millie's smudged makeup and Finn's moustache still visible under his nose.

'There's a pack in the bathroom.' Chloe said with a yawn, handing clothes to Millie. 'Anyway, goodnight. It was nice seeing you two. And... Noah?'


'Make sure to clean it up before you go to sleep.' she glared at him before shutting the door behind her.

Noah sighed as he crouched down, picking up bigger pieces of the glass off of the floor and putting them into the trash.

'Want some help?' Millie asked, looking down at him.

'No, I'm good. Thank you, though.' Noah grinned. 'Try not to break things anymore today, okay, Millay?'

'I'll do my best.' she promised solemnly, putting her hand over her chest.

'Okay, Millie, be careful.' Finn took a step forward, pulling Millie with him, his hands still gripping her waist. 'Lean on me.'

'Hey, I can walk alone.' she huffed, trying to pry his hands off of her.

'Sure you can.' he agreed politely, not letting go of her hips, though. 'Noah, where is she sleeping?'

'In the room next to Chloe's. You can sleep in the guest room, it's the last one on the right. The bathroom is over there, there's new toothbrushes in the basket under the sink, just take whatever you need.'

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