let me be the one that you need

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Chapter 11

Millie woke up with a headache.

No, that was the understatement of the year. Whatever her body was going through... It felt like hell.

A pain between her eyes got worse when she blinked, the harsh light made her wince immediately. She buried her face into the pillow, wondering if sun is always this bright. Jesus, what was she thinking yesterday?

Her thoughts were suddenly interrupted when the bed dipped near her legs.

'Hi.' Finn said quietly.

She didn't say anything, pulling the blanket over her head and groaning inwardly. All the memories came back to her mind at once just at the sound of his voice. There was no more alcohol in her system and this feeling of worry and sadness washed over her again, reminding her why she even got drunk yesterday in the first place.

This program on the gossip channel, Finn's lies, his strange behavior, his stubbornness. Her remorse. Her naivety. Her sadness.

Their fight.

She couldn't believe that all of this made her lose hope in a matter of seconds.

'So what, you're not talking to me right now?' he asked, rolling his eyes.

'Yeah. You're breathing too loud.' she groaned, her voice muffled by the blanket.

'Oh, no.' he said, faking a gasp. 'Here, take this.'

She pulled the blanket off of her head and opened her eyes to see him holding a glass of water and some pills.

Great. "Mother" Finn mode on.

She sat upright slowly. Not wanting to show her annoyance, she took the pills from him and swallowed them. She knew that he wanted her to recover and feel better, that she should be grateful for his kindness and thoughtfulness, but it seemed like he was patronizing her in some way.

'How are you?' Finn asked, taking the empty glass from her and setting it on the nightstand.

She only shrugged in response. Besides, what could she say? That her head hurts so much that all she wants is to go back to sleep?

'Get up. I made breakfast.'

'Pancakes?' she snorted.


She raised her eyebrows. He couldn't cook for the life of him. Seriously, if someone put a gun to his head and made him cook something, Finn could only start to write down his last words.

'I'm not going to eat it.' she said. She still remembered his culinary experiments. 'Nuh-uh. No way.'

There was this one time when he tried to make dinner and... Well... She could swear that this piece of meat on her plate almost mooed at her. That's why she learned how to cook when they moved in together.

'You don't even know what I made!' he said, quite offended.

'I don't need to know.' she said. 'You can't cook and that's a fact.'

'I made scrambled eggs and it's quite good, I swear.' he said. 'Come on, you have to eat something.' he added, getting up, waiting for her to do the same.

And maybe it was sweet of him that he put the effort and made her breakfast. Maybe she would give him a smile, maybe she would thank him for being so kind and caring... But she didn't do any of those things.

It was driving her mad that he was acting like nothing happened. The truth was, she didn't know how to react. She still didn't wrap her head around this whole situation, she still didn't think this through.

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