I think we might be lost

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Chapter 10

'I didn't know where else to go.' Millie said.

Yeah. She really needed space to think this whole situation over and... Well, their apartment wasn't a good place to do that. And maybe she told Finn that she needed to be alone, but the truth was that she kind of... didn't want to be alone.

The truth was, she just didn't want to be around him right now.

It was past 10 PM. She couldn't go to her parents because they would start asking questions like "What happened?" or "Why are you crying?" or... "Where's Finn?" and that was this one thing she wouldn't handle right now.

No. She wasn't ready for that.

They were almost alone in Atlanta, actually. Her parents were still living here with Ava. Finn's family was in Vancouver. Ayla, Malcolm and Jack usually were in Vancouver, too, but they've been spending last couple of months in Atlanta. Paige and Charlie were living in Chicago, Noah and Sadie in New York, Maddie and Lilia in Los Angeles...

Millie and Finn kind of separated themselves from their friends, buying the apartment here and deciding to stay in Atlanta for good. It didn't seem like a bad idea, actually. She had her family close and there were a lot less paparazzi here than in New York or Los Angeles. Besides, did it matter where they lived? She used to think that it wasn't that important as long as they had each other.

But now... She was alone among all those nameless people. Millie Bobby Brown, this girl who has always been surrounded by her friends and family, surrounded by people she loved... And now this girl was all alone.

She really had no place to go. How miserable was it?

'You were crying.' Kathy said, stating the obvious.

'Yeah.' Millie said, shrugging.

'And you look like you need a drink.' Kathy said, going towards the kitchen island.

'Or two.' Millie chuckled, looking curiously around Kathy's apartment.

It was really clean, elegant and simple at the same time. There was a lot of white, black and grey color and a lot of glass and metal. It was modern and neatly decorated, but there were absolutely zero personal pictures, not even of family or friends. Overall, in some weird way, it really suited Kathy and her strict personality.

'Does Finn know that you're here?' Kathy asked, taking a bottle of wine out of the fridge. Then she opened a cabinet and took out one wine glass.

'No.' Millie said, sitting down on the couch.

'You should call him, Millie.' she said, handing her the glass, now half-full with red liquid. 'He must be worried about you.'

'He's always worried about me.' she said sarcastically, taking a big gulp of wine.

Right about now she was supposed to sleep in Finn's arms. She shouldn't be in her manager's apartment, drinking wine, feeling lost and completely broken.

But Finn lied and treated her like a baby and that was the result of it.

'I don't think it's a bad thing.' Kathy said, sitting beside her. 'It's... nice when someone cares for you.' she added, a little quieter than before. 

Millie tilted her head, deep in thought. She rarely saw Kathy like that. With her guard down, without makeup, sitting on the couch in her fluffy slippers instead of high-heels, in her sweatpants and T-shirt, without all those elegant dresses, pencil skirts, jumpsuits, blouses or button-down shirts.

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