talking to the voices in my head

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Chapter 2

The next few days passed by uneventfully, though it looked like Finn wouldn't mind if something actually happened. Millie noticed that he was glancing at his phone from time to time, waiting for a call. This audition for "Wait for me" was really important to him and she knew how much he wanted to get this role. The truth was, it has always been one of his biggest dreams to work with Wallace and Finn was so close to make this dream come true.

She figured she could cheer him up a little, making one of his favorite meals. Soon, the kitchen was filled with the smell of roast chicken. Calpurnia was finishing their third album and Finn was about to come home from the recording studio in a matter of minutes.

She was stirring the tomato sauce when she heard the sound of opening the door.


'In the kitchen!' she yelled.

Soon, she heard his footsteps from behind her back.

'Hi.' Finn said, hugging her from behind and kissing the side of her head.

'Hey, you.' she said, not being able to stop the smile from spreading across her face when he nuzzled her shoulder.

'Mmm, it smells nice.' he said.

'It's chicken with-'

'I'm talking about you.' he interrupted, making her laugh.

'God, you are so stupid...' she said playfully as her head fell back so she could look at him.

He only kissed her nose in response, completely not bothered by her words.

'How was recording?' she asked, turning away from him to continue stirring the sauce.

'Good.' he said, still holding her. 'Ayla was rude to me, though.' he added in a tattle-tale tone.

'Oh, no!' she exclaimed, faking a gasp. 'Why?'

'She made me record one of the songs for the second time. She said that I sounded like a kid who's going through puberty and that my voice was higher than hers.' he said, grinning as he felt her laugh against his chest. 'How was your day?' he asked.

'Uh, you know.' she said simply, shrugging. She didn't do anything exciting today.

Since she wasn't acting, it slowly became a routine.

'You know what, I could make your day better.' he said, kissing her jawline. He turned her around and started to pull her out of the kitchen, towards their bedroom.

'Finn! No!' she yelled, trying to release herself from his arms. They were almost at the corridor. 'It will burn and then-'

'Then I'll make pancakes.' he said, kissing her neck.

'Finn, you can't eat pancakes all the time.'

'I only eat pancakes when you're away.' he said defensively, holding her pressed closely to him.

'It's still quite often.' she laughed. He leaned in, but she pulled away before he could reach her lips. 'Seriously, I need to go back there and-'

'Okay, okay.' he sighed, letting go of her waist, grabbing her hand instead as they made their way back to the kitchen. She was going to continue to make dinner, but before she could do anything, he turned off the stove and reached for her, pulling her close again.

'What are you doing?' she asked, creasing her eyebrows. Her hands wrapped around his neck. 'Are you not hungry?'

'I am.' he said. Actually, he looked like he wanted to devour her when he leaned in, kissing her hard, pulling her further away from the stove.

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