never thought I wouldn't be enough

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Chapter 4

Millie was tapping her foot nervously, waiting for her turn to audition when her phone buzzed. She glanced at the screen, seeing the notification from her texting app.

Mar 17 | 2025 | 2:12 PM

F: good luck babe xx

F: love you!

She couldn't help but smile. God, he even got up earlier today and made pancakes for breakfast to cheer her up.

Finn has always been so supportive when she had auditions. He celebrated her success when she won or comforted after failures when she didn't get the part. Recently, the latter has became a routine.

Her self-esteem was getting lower and lower after every audition. She was so desperate that she auditioned for some stupid, weird TV shows or comedies which were not funny at all. It wasn't challenging for her and she hated it. What's worse, she didn't even get those parts, it felt like she wasn't good enough for something that simple, for roles of characters with no depth and meaning. Like now. She auditioned for the part in a new TV show, for the role of main character's best friend and this girl was, let's be honest, not very smart.

And no matter how hard she tried, pouring all her heart and soul into acting... They still didn't want her, she still wasn't enough. It felt like these casting directors didn't even listen to her. They had her tape, they watched it, then they invited her for the pre-read, then for the actual audition and then... And then they called her, saying that she didn't get it, they're sorry, blah blah blah...

So yeah. Those times when directors were literally fighting for her attention were undoubtedly gone.

'Miss Brown?'

She quickly looked up, seeing a young woman with the notepad in her hand.

'It's your turn.' she said, smiling politely.

Okay. Now or never.


'That doesn't even rhyme.' Finn sighed with exasperation.

'It doesn't have to.'

'I know, but it would be nice if it rhymed.' Finn insisted.

They were sitting in the recording studio, working on last songs for the album. Finn and Ayla were trying to come up with lyrics, Jack and Malcolm were writing notes and humming some melodies. There were maybe two or three songs left to record and Calpurnia's third album will be finished.


Finn looked up from the notepad to see Ashley, the receptionist from the studio.

'Your manager is here... He wants to see you.' she said. 'He's waiting in the conference room.'

'Umm... Thanks.' Finn said, tossing the pencil on the table and getting up. 'Sorry, guys. I'll be right back.'

Okay, what was Chris doing here? Did he really come here because he still thought he could convince him to accept this role? His mind was filled with these thoughts as he followed Ashley down the corridor. She opened the door and let him inside.

Chris was scrolling through his phone when he heard the sound of opening the door.

'Hi, Finn.' he said, getting up to shake Finn's hand.


'How's recording?'

'Good... But I assume you're not here because of Calpurnia.' he said, sitting by the table in front of him.

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