getting used to life without you

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Chapter 17

A kiss. Then another.

And another.

Millie didn't have to wonder what woke her up. Peppering feathery kisses all over her face became Finn's favorite way to wake her up, no matter if she was taking a nap in their trailer or sleeping after partying with their friends.

He has always woken her up like that.

She wouldn't mind to get used to it, to wake up this way every morning till the end of the world, having his soft, warm lips pressed to her forehead, eyelids, cheeks, tip of the nose, chin, corner of her mouth, upper lip, bottom lip...

Yeah. She could totally get used to it.

His lips were currently pressed to her neck, making it impossible to pretend any longer that she was asleep. He raised his head to gaze at her when a cute, happy groan escaped her mouth, her eyes squeezing shut tighter as she stretched her arms above her head. Finn's T-shirt stolen by her not that long ago bunched around her hips at the movement, revealing her bare skin.

'Hey, you.' she smiled shyly when their eyes met.

He was looking at her with so much tenderness and love... As if she was the most important thing in the whole universe, as if he couldn't believe she was real. How did she get so lucky?

It wasn't the first time she had asked herself that question. Sometimes she couldn't believe that he was real, too.

'Hi, Nap Queen.' he replied, pressing his lips to her shoulder, his messy curls tickling her cheek.

'Well, I have all the right in the world to be sleepy, don't you think?' she giggled.

'I guess.'

He looked really proud of himself, unable to contain his smug and ridiculously wide smile. God, she almost could count his teeth.

'Stop...' she groaned, covering her eyes, feeling the heat of a blush crawling up on her cheeks.

'Stop what?' he chuckled, reaching to take her hands off of her face.

'Smiling like a fool.'

'I just slept with the most beautiful girl in the world, how can I not smile?' he asked as he leaned in, brushing his nose against her throat, then leaving a tiny kiss there.

'I'm not the most beautiful girl in the world.'

Accepting compliments wasn't something she was the best at and he knew that perfectly well, yet it didn't stop him from saying those words almost everyday.

'You are...' he said as he began kissing along her neck. 'Gorgeous.' Kiss. 'Amazing.' Kiss. 'Cute.' Kiss. 'Smart.' Kiss. 'And absolutely...' Kiss. '...perfect.' Kiss.

'Stop...' she said with a shy smile, running her fingers through his curls. 'That's not true.'

Okay, again. How did she get so lucky?

'I said what I said.' he replied, shifting on the bed. He laid on his stomach near to her waist and propped himself on his elbows, lifting her T-shirt up a few inches.

'What are you doing?' she giggled, seeing his head disappearing under the fabric.

'You wanted me to kiss you everywhere, remember?' he asked, his voice muffled. She didn't need to see his face to know that he was smiling as his lips curved against her skin. 'And I'm an honorable man, I have to keep that promise.' he continued with the seriousness in his voice, making her giggle even more.

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