Part 2

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All my books and my ideas are mine. They belong to me JackieStorms.

Jack's POV~

I woke up sweating,the room was a dump,food packets everywhere,empty bowls and cups and glasses,my glasses were broken on the floor. My blanket was missing and all the windows were open,I also found 6 beer cans littered around the place. I sighed deeply as I remembered going to sleep to a movie with cookies nothing else. I probably got drunk in misery and messed up my house. I cleaned up before I got dressed for the day,after wards I got my head phones and put on my 'sad songs' playlist. Most if not all of them were about love. I had to turn off my ring tone since I kept getting text messages which interrupted the songs,I then had to take my laptop battery out since that kept going off too. I was tired,hungry,thirsty and sad. I was too sad to move,so I cracked open a beer package I found on the ground next to the couch,I mentally thanked my drunk self for putting it there. I downed drink after drink until I couldn't see properly anymore but I was scared to sleep,Signe has been haunting me. I couldn't see properly and I tried to turn my music up but instead I rang someone "hey" Mark's gruff voice sounded through the phone,I just hung up and turned my music up all the way and downed more beers.

Mark's POV~

It was 10:00am in the morning. I was still in bed texting Jack hoping,praying to a god I don't believe in that he would answer. He wouldn't,I asked everyone to ring him but he wouldn't answer anyone. I put my phone down in defeat and its ring tone went off,I groaned before I answered boredom laced in my voice "hey" but all I heard was breathing then silence as that person hung up. I checked the name on my call list and I smiled when I realised it was Jack,but sad when I realised all he did was breathe. Was he in trouble? Did he want to apologise for yesterday? And the day before? I called up Bob and Wade and explained and they said they would be straight over. Under ten minutes my door bell rang and I opened it to see Bob,Wade and to my surprise Felix. "What are you doing here?" I asked clearly surprised "I came to visit and Wade called me explaining everything with Jack" Felix smiled. He ran upstairs put his suit case in the guest bed room and came back down "what's the plan?" "We go and check on him I guess?" I shrugged unsure what to do and Bob face palmed "sure lets go" Bob drove as Wade changed the radio station every time a song ended and I explained everything to Felix. Felix was shocked "that's not like Jack" "well he hasn't been himself since Signe anyway" Bob added. We walked in the front door of the house which was surprisingly unlocked,we walked in to smell alcohol. We walked further in the house to see all of Jack's glasses that existed in the house smashed on the floor,empty beer cans were littered everywhere and Jack was no where to be scene. "Please tell me he's recording a Chase Brody video" Felix begged as we heard glass smash into more tiny pieces under our feet. We looked around and we finally found Jack unconscious and with no shirt,he was in the bath room laying on the shower floor,his brown hair was wet. We carried him into his bedroom and he coughed before he woke up and looked at us all "cac" he cursed "what?" Wade asked "I swore in Irish" Jack sneered as he put on a shirt,jeans that weren't wet and he left the room. We followed him into the living room where he was putting on his socks and shoes,he got a carrier bag and put all the beer cans inside it. He then grabbed a dust pan and went to sweep up the glass but he slipped on some beer and landed arms first on the giant glass pile,he then sat on his knees getting all the glass stuck in his legs too. Jack groaned and hissed in pain before he dust panned everything up and put it in the carrier bag with the beer cans,he then threw the bag out the window,took two pain killers and cracked open another beer can. "Jack what's your problem?" I snapped as Jack just smiled "I wanna be drunk when I wake up,on the right side of the wrong bed" I sighed and Felix took Jack's beer can away as Bob and Wade picked Jack up. "What are ye doing?" I felt bad but it had to be done,we put Jack in a cold shower and he screamed as he became sober. "So what fucked up Chase Brody sketch was it this time?" Felix asked as Jack smiled nervously "I was meant to be drunk Chase and Stacy was meant to come in but Stacy never showed up,so I waited and uped my drunkness. I guess it got out of control" Jack chuckled nervously. Bob hugged him as did Wade and they left. Me and Felix decided to stay the night,we watched films with Jack and laughed as he drooled in his sleep,he fell asleep just before the credits rolled up. It was fun and we left the next morning,Felix is now staying with me for a while.

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