Part 19

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All my books and my ideas are mine. They belong to me JackieStorms.


Jack opened the window with a creepy stare,he then grabbed his back pack which layed next to his bed "did you watch the video?" Jack just nodded "did it work? Are you screwing with me?" I asked and Jack shook his head,I clapped giddily with a grin plastered on my face. I loved him and hated him soooo much. On the inside he feels the same,I know it. I lead Jack to the window and he put on his back pack "we're gonna leave through here okay? And when people yell after us if they do don't listen to them okay?" Jack just nodded,it was like he was a mindless zombie. Except he was my prey. We got out the window quietly and we ran down the road to the fields,after we ran across about 5 fields we got to the woods,after that we found a bike shed it was a pretty decent one with locks on the door. I unlocked it and led Jack inside,it wasn't a small shed it was quite big but it was camouflaged with all the leaves since bushes grew on and around it. "Jack sit down okay?" Jack nodded wordlessly before he sat down,I wrapped him up in rope so even if the trance he was in disappeared or he came out of it he was still mine. "Can I call you Sean again?" I asked and Jack looked at me "yeah" he smiled,I clapped giddily again before I put a food bowl and water bowl down on either side of Jack "just say when you need them okay?" "Okay" I walked over to my double bed and layed in it "good night Sean" "good night"

Felix's POV~

After Marzia screamed I looked around to see no one. After we talked a bit afterwards I ran upstairs to Mark who was pacing and on the phone. "Amy please...don't...are you sure?...Okay just remember I'm here for you too" Mark hung up and turned to see me "what's up Felix?" He asked "Marzia claims she saw someone outside my window and I heard someone walking around was it you?" "No maybe it was Jack,I mean I was pacing" "no I heard someone walk in a straight line and then stop" "oh" Mark put his phone in his pocket and we went to Jack's room to see nothing. The blankets were moved like someone has recently got out of bed and Jack's pj's were on the floor. I felt a breeze and I looked to see and open window on the other side of the room,I rush over as did Mark and Mark gasped and I see it too. A piece of Jack's green hair was stapled to the wall by a knife as was a note Mark reached over and got it and read it aloud. "Hey guys,I got Jack and yes that is his OLD hair from when it was green. I'm gonna give you clues to find me everyday okay? First one,Jack sent me to meet you all once,I was so close to you I could smell you. I was also at Wade and Molly's wedding who am I?" "What the fuck! How are we meant to guess that!" I yelled in anger. "Felix we'll find him" Mark reassured "how? When? In a fucking year after stupid clues!" I balled up my fists and punched Jack's pillow I didn't have the balls to punch the wall. I was so scared. Did Jack go willingly? Is he in pain? Is he even alive? When I find who took him. Mark sat against the wall after he shut the window "why or why night of the stary sky?" Mark groaned and I just stared at him "why are you rhyming?" "singing or humming calms me down but I'm in the mood to do neither so I rhymed" Mark sighed. "I'm calling the police to get a search party out there you contact Bob and everyone okay?" I nodded and Mark left the room,I grabbed my phone "hey Bob we need your help"

Jack's POV~

My head hurt. I opened my eyes and looked around I seemed to be in a wooden shed or cabin. I was tied to a chair and my eyes burned I then remembered it all. The mystery message,the video then blackness then a female voice I didn't recognise and I person with a skeleton mask on. Who are they? Where are they? I tried to move but that just resulted in my wrists being burnt by the friction,I sighed and I tried to turn to see the rest of my surroundings. It was definitely a wooden building,it was dark in here so I couldn't see much which sucked.

Mark's POV~

"Hello? This is Mark Fischback I want to make a missing person report on Sean McLoughlin" a female spoke through the phone "okay" "he has blue eyes,brown hair and he is 5ft 8 and he's Irish. He's been harassed online recently and someone tried to run him over" "okay Mark we got the case going through and-hey! Your not meant to be here!" Then the woman hung up. I was shocked and colour drained from my face.

Felix's POV~
"Bob?" "Yeah sorry I was busy what's up?" "Jack is missing!" "shit! I'll ring everyone first have you called the police?" Bob panicked "yeah Mark's doing that in his room now" "okay we'll be there soon" "see ya"

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