Part 10

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All my books and my ideas are mine. They belong to me JackieStorms.

Felix's POV~

I pushed the door and ran outside,I let the cold breeze hit my lungs and I sucked it in like a hoover. I was spinning in circles with a smile on my face at the thought of food. I then got a text from Mark 'we need to keep an eye out we're being watched' I giggled 'nah shit Sherlock. We're YouTubers lol' I sent it and got a Twitter notification from 'The Holy Trinity' it was a picture I was outside of Jack's house spinning around and enjoying the cold air. My face drain ed and I felt light headed I was doing that a few seconds ago. I looked around but saw nothing "hello?" I called out and as expected no one called back. The cold was getting to me and I was now holding my sides trying to warm up,my breathe came out as a little fog cloud and I stood still in shock for so long that was the only to tell I was alive. Mark and Jack came out smiling with coats on,Jack handed me my coat before he skipped ahead with a smile on his face. As soon as Mark stood next to me he whispered "see the photo yet?" and I nodded "there's another" Mark showed me a picture of me and him on the floor. We were crying and Jack was sitting on the couch crying,it was when he was telling us about his dream. I held in a gasp and Mark pulled his phone down "keep an eye out" I nodded,put on my coat and we walked to see Jack waiting around the corner from us. He jumped and I was 'scared' "no! Jack how could you?" I clutched my hands over my heart "I'm dying" I rasped as Mark rolled his eyes "you gave me a heart attack" I choked as I fell to my knees "bye cruel world" and I fell to the floor still holding my heart. Jack laughed and I heard a thump and I opened my eyes to see Jack and Mark on the floor next to me laughing,I crossed my arms over my chest and pouted "it was a GOOD death scene" "sure it was" Mark chuckled "and just when I thought ye couldn't be more stupid" Jack laughed. "Armature! I will and can always be more stupid!" I declared as I pointed as accusing finger at Jack who held his hands up in defence. "I believe it's said as armature!" Mark 'corrected' all he did was say it in a french accent. "Ye doofs" we walked to the town which wasn't far and we looked at the different restaurants. "Where we heading?" Jack asked "yeah Merk where we heading?" I mocked Jack's accent causing him to pout. "Bob's diner!" He yelled as he pointed at this cabin but nice looking place "oh Bob works here?" Jack questioned playfully Mark shoved him playfully and we walked towards it. It was a nice place,it looked so natural,it had a deer head in the corners but they were fake and stuffed. They had little meaningless paintings but when you studied it,it had meaning. We ordered and sat waiting,Jack drew in the child's menu while me and Mark texted each other about this online person. Who could they be? What do they want? How are they getting these photo's? Do we know them? Are they a fan? All we know is they know us,they get photo's of us easily and they were upset Jack wasn't dead. We ate our food in comfortable silence and Jack was the first to finish, "that was amazing. I missed my food so much!" Jack yelled with a smile we all finished me beating Mark by two seconds,it was intense. "Ha! I won!" I cheered as I threw my arms in the air to celebrate. Mark sighed and handed over the ten dollars which I took gratefully. "Let's go home!" I yelled and we left after paying,Jack wasn't the mess he was earlier,it was getting colder now and next month is gonna be October so it was dark outside already. We laughed as we crossed the street and when we were right in the centre of the road we got a notification from 'The Holy Trinity'. 'Watch out' then it was a video of us in the road,Jack stopped and stared back at us in shock as I suddenly heard the rev of an engine. My face went so pale I felt like I was gonna faint. I looked to see a black SUV,it came barrelling towards us,it crashed into multiple cars before it flipped and whirled,then it landed on its four wheels and became faster. I saw the car aiming for Jack who was standing a few metres away from me and Mark,immediately we rushed forward and I heard Jack scream as the car came close. I heard Mark grunt and I heard Jack scream as me and Mark tumbled to the ground,all I saw was black,I heard Jack crying and screaming our names,telling us to wake the fuck up. I couldn't open my eyes,I heard a car door slam and Jack let out a cry before I heard a gruff voice whisper "it's your fault,it was meant to be you" Jack screamed out in sorrow and pain like he was physically hurt before all In heard was sirens.

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