Part 21

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All my books and my ideas are mine. They belong to me JackieStorms.

Mark's POV~

I looked over at Bob,he had a bleeding head and he was unconscious. I turned to see Tyler with a bleeding nose but he was awake and he still had the coffee cup in his hand. I smiled at him and I got up with a grunt,my head was also bleeding and it was hard to stand because the car was on it's side. I used my arms to pull my self up to Bob's seat and I shook him,he just groaned and pushed my hand away gently,like I was his mom getting him ready for school. I shook him again and he opened his eyes "ow" he moaned before he turned to his door and opened it,he climbed out and I followed with Tyler behind me. "Well that was a shit storm" Bob laughed.

Felix's POV~

A piece of bark broke off of the tree Wade was kicking and he smiled. He picked up the bark and looked up at us,he looked at the ropes keeping us up there and he followed them to the tree he was kicking. Wade frowned "what?" Ethan asked "I have to climb the tree to get you down" I just shook my head "go on then?" Wade sighed and put the bark in his mouth before he used his hands to start climbing the tree,I then realised how high the rope was,it was at the top of the tree. "Wade forget it!" I yelled but Wade shook his head "I wish Jack was here to do this" Wade sniffled "Wade you can do this" I tried to encourage but nothing seemed to be happening until Wade began to sing. "I'm making my way up the tree,oh lucky me,come and save me" I giggled and watched Wade climb out of view and his singing faded "how much do you bet he's still singing?" Ethan smirked "10" "okay". The ropes began to loosen and I suddenly felt scared "Wade!" I yelled but I got no response,then the rope on one side of the net snapped. I clung onto the other side but Ethan wasn't quick enough "FELIX!" He cried as he fell down,his leg got caught on a piece of rope and he was hanging upside down "atleast the rope is holding you and it hasn't snapped" I smiled reassuring Ethan. That is until the rope began to snap "FELIX!" Ethan called out again,we all the courage I could muster I let go of my rope with one hand and reached it out to Ethan. "Ethan take my hand!" I screamed,Ethan swung himself up so he was upright and he reached for my hand,we were literally two centimetres apart. Ethan fell and swung himself up again,I heard the rope snap and Ethan jumped on thin air to grab my hand,he grabbed my hand and I pulled him up so he was standing next to me on the safe side of the net. "WADE!" I yelled again but I didn't get a response once again. I sighed and I heard a snapping sound,I looked up to see the rope snapping. "Ethan don't let go of my hand!" Ethan nodded and held my hand tightly and I counted every second until the rope snapped,I felt the wind rushing through my hair and I closed my eyes tightly.

Mark's POV~

We ran down to the station once it was in view. It looked...normal. We ran in to see a police officer,a lady to be exact and she was unconscious. He head was bleeding and she looked scared even though she was asleep. Tyler ran past the woman and into a metal door labelled 'Security Room'. I looked at Bob who was looking at the woman "get me a first aid kit" I nodded and ran to find one.I found one and ran it over to Bob,he fixed the ladies head with a giant bandage and we went to find Tyler. Tyler was searching all the footage "the one of today is missing" Tyler huffed and he slammed his fist against the key board "fuck" he muttered. "What now?" I asked Bob "well we have no car,no footage and no clue where Jack OR the guys are" Bob listed our problems.

Jack's POV~

I felt sick. I opened my eyes to see the wooden doors and I knew I was in cave. With who though? There's a bed and a set up like a little home. I had burn marks on my wrists and ankles from struggling and my throat was dry. I held a door behind my slam open and I whipped my head around to see a figure in all black,the figure looked male but when it turned to the side I saw it was female. Was it a crazy fan girl? I tried to speak but no noise cam out. "Are you thirsty?" A deep demonic voice asked me "chill it's called a voice filter,this isn't my actual voice" the girl explained. I nodded in acknowledgement "do you want some water?" I nodded again and the girl walced over to a water tank,she filled up a plastic cup and walked back to me "I'm gonna hold it for you okay?" I nodded and she helped my drink from it "you have water on your chin" she wiped the water from my chin and I felt the power to speak again. "Who are ye? What do ye want?" "Singe Hanson"

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