Part 3

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All my books and my ideas are mine. They belong to me JackieStorms.

Jack's POV~

After Mark and Felix left I went to take a shower and I winced when I stripped,I had glass in my arms and legs. I got in the shower and used tweezers on the bathroom window sill to get the glass out of my body but there was one giant piece in my thigh. I held my breathe as I pulled it out and blood spewed onto the shower floor,I cringed before I took a deep breathe and breathed out again. That really hurt. I watched the blood pour from my wound and down the shower drain,it was,relieving,it was new. I heard my phone go off and I reached out to see Signe's name on the screen,I shakily answered "Hey Jack!" "hey Signe" I smiled "so how are you?" she asked,why was she so friendly? She broke my heart two days ago,"I'm good,ye?" Signe sighed "yeah I guess,I miss you and stuff but I don't want you back. Plus hope you enjoyed the dream" I stiffened "how do ye know about that?" "remember the 'goodbye love sweets' I gave you? I was given them by someone special,enjoy" then I heard a beep as she hung up. She did that too me? How? I climbed out the shower and let out a chuckle "I'm crazy,I'm crazy,I'm crazy" soon I was full blown laughing at me sudden down fall in life. I got dressed and went to the shop,I had an old habit of smoking,it calmed me,so I bought beer,cigarettes,a lighter and cookies. After paying I ran out the shop as fast as I could laughing,I didn't pay for the cigarettes. I walked home and sat on my couch,I wanted some excitement in my life. I lit the cigarette with a smirk as I placed it in my mouth and instantly coughed "tastes as bad as I remember it" I coughed. I listened to Panic!At The Disco until it was dark,I turned off my phone,my laptop and watched TV,but I got bored so I reflected. Signe dumped me,then I ran over her by accident,then she recovered and made up with me as friends,then she gave me sweets which are secretly nightmares. I shrugged. What happens,happens I guess. I then turned on my phone and scrolled through Youtube,I read comments from the last video and I felt myself crumble down into pieces of worthless cat litter. My heart began to ache and my throat began to burn as my eyes filled with tears. 'Your worthless,why are you even alive?' 'I hate you suck me' 'Septiplier was cute,until I realised you were in it' 'why are you in so many ships?Your the ugliest thing I've layed eyes upon. 'Your hate comments feel sorry for you' 'your birth certificate is an apology letter from the condom factor', 'no one likes you just go and die already' I was shocked. I raised my community like they were my own children,I taught them how to be nice and caring but they're monsters now. Throwing slurs and insult after insult at me. they wouldn't say it to your face Jack. I took a deep breathe and moved onto another video on Mark's channel 'this is an amazing video but why is Green Pewdiepie here?' 'I love you! Mark,Bob and Wade! But why are you friends with a leprechaun?' I took a breathe and went onto Wade's,Bob's and Felix's video's only to see much,much worse results. I gave up on my phone and cried myself to sleep.


Felix's POV~

I was tired. Mark woke me and we're going to visit Jack,it's a daily routine but then I got a phone call "Hey Felix,wanna record a video?" "Sorry I wanna explore LA but I'll tell Mark and maybe you can record with him" "yeah sure" then he hung up. "Mark!" "yeah?" "Jack wants to record with you guys!" Mark smiled and rang up Bob and Wade. I left to explore.

Mark's POV~

I got Jack,Bob and Wade on Skype voice call,I had the game 'Dead By Daylight' loaded up,we were just choosing who's gonna be the monster. "I'll be the monster" Wade volunteered,we all agreed and we started the game. It was so much fun. Jack was the last alive and when he died he had a smile on his face,I didn't question it,since I had Jack,Bob and Wade's faces on one computer and the game on the other. When Jack became the monster he was laughing evilly,even though we all lived and escaped it was fun when he was the monster.

Jack's POV~

When I died in the first round I was proud,it was like I could let go and breathe,I was free from everyone and everything. When I lost the third round I was a little sad 'ye failed' a voice said. 'They hate ye,they're so happy ye lost,but they wish ye would get lost' I shook my head and we finished the video,I knew I was falling,I was in and out of reality all the time. Some days I was drunk,another I was sad and everything in life was wrong,as time progressed I heard this voice more often. I was scared,I jumped more easily and I could never sleep,but I would end up falling asleep,have two or three hours sleep and wake up with full energy. I also got sick,Felix came to visit to look after me when Mark,Bob and Wade were recording,he had pre-recorded videos so it was fine.

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