Chapter 8

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Jimin’s mom keeps shooting him curious glances as he bounces through the hall separating the kitchen from their dining area, resetting the table six times in the span of seventeen minutes as he waits for Yoongi to arrive. He texted Yoongi nine times that day, reminding him the exact time he wanted him to be there. He told him twenty minutes earlier than Yoongi needed to be for dinner, just because Jimin didn’t expect his fake boyfriend to arrive on time, so he wanted to give him a window of lateness. Yoongi could arrive late to Jimin’s time and offend only Jimin, but if he didn’t show up in time for dinner, Jimin would never hear the end of it from his mom about the ‘lack of respect for time of youth today’.

There’s still fifteen minutes before the time Jimin told Yoongi he had to be there, and over half an hour until he has to be there, but Jimin has been fretting around the house nervously all day, and his nerves have only increased as the time ticked closer and closer to six.

His mom will only watch him dust off the couch cushion so many times, and eight minutes before Yoongi is supposed to arrive, she finally calls out from where she’s cooking to ask Jimin what he’s freaking out about.

Jimin doesn’t get the chance to answer, jumping half a foot in the air when a heavy knock sounds from the doorway. Jimin’s mom smirks at him from across the hall and he’s pretty sure nothing has ever caused him more anxiety than the sly look on her face. She starts walking towards the door, a couple more knocks coming as whoever is waiting on the other side becomes impatient, but Jimin goes scrambling towards it to beat her. He trips over himself at the last step, yanking the door open as he catches himself on it, a little out of breath and eyes wild. His mom follows behind him, ignoring his breathy, “I got it.”

“Yoongi!” Jimin’s mom calls happily, waving from over Jimin’s shoulder as Yoongi stands on Jimin’s doorstep with a bag hanging off his wrist and a semi-uncomfortable but polite smile.

Simultaneously, Jimin is holding the door open wide and his mouth even wider, gasping out a shocked, “Hyung!” at the sight of his fake boyfriend, over half an hour earlier than expected. Yoongi turns his smile to Jimin and it brightens, and Yoongi gives him a little wave, and it’s so cute and nice and Jimin never thought Yoongi would be this good at acting.

“Where’s Jihoon?” Jimin’s mom asks. Jimin doesn’t realize she’s coming closer until her arm drops around his shoulders. Yoongi bows his head in greeting as she comes all the way to the door.

“Was I supposed to bring Jihoon?” Yoongi asks, cutting his eyes back to Jimin with a perplexed expression, hand twitching towards the pocket where his phone is tucked, thinking maybe Jimin had messaged him with a change in plans since he’d last checked his phone.

“I didn’t know you were planning on coming over, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen you here without him,” Jimin shifts uncomfortably as his mom glances back towards the kitchen, “I don’t know if I’ll have enough food, but, I think I can fix something for you – if you’re planning on staying.”

“Ah, well,” Yoongi gives Jimin a dirty look, not quite as nasty as Jimin is used to receiving, but still clearly annoyed, “I was… invited.”

Jimin yelps when his mother suddenly tugs on his ear, bumping her hip against his, “Jimin, you should’ve told me if you were inviting more people over.”

“No, no, he’s… uh, he’s the… one. He’s the only one coming,” a look of realization dawns on his mother’s face, but Jimin finishes his explanation anyways, “he’s the boyfriend, uh, my boyfriend.”

When you're in love all the lines get blurred ( YoonMin / Jimin - Yoongi / BTS )Where stories live. Discover now