Chapter 25

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A week later, Yoongi still hasn’t replied to Jimin’s text about back story, or any of the ten texts he’s sent in the days since. Jimin plays with his phone nervously non-stop, checking it every few seconds every time he tries to send another ‘hello’ or ‘how are you doing’ or ‘are you busy right now’. Yoongi even ignores him at three am when Jimin knows he’s at work and Jimin should be asleep but is up worrying that he’s ruined their budding friendship and about how much he misses Yoongi after like, six days.

The first response he gets is a simple “ok” to his message practically begging Yoongi to come over because they need to talk.

After nine days of radio silence, Jimin is surprised when Yoongi knocks on his door not twenty minutes later.

“Hey,” Yoongi greets him with a shy smile when Jimin swings the door open, and Jimin doesn’t understand what it does to his heart.

He means to reply with a friendly hello, how are you, but when he opens his mouth, what comes out is, “It’s time for you to break up with me.”

Yoongi is startled, eyes going wide as Jimin drops his request without even saying hi, “What? Right now?”

“Yeah, right now,” Jimin confirms. He isn’t sure why he needs Yoongi to do it, needs him to say the phrase, but he tried to tell his mom they broke up and the words just wouldn’t come out. He needs it to be true. He needs something to be official.

“What the fuck, Jimin?” Yoongi spits.

Jimin didn’t expect him to be mad, “It was the plan all along, wasn’t it?”

“It was the plan four fucking months ago!” Yoongi nearly shouts, throwing his hand behind him as if to exemplify all the time that’s passed, “Then, you told me we should hold off. Now we’ve been dating half a goddamn year!”

Fake dating,” Jimin stresses nervously, but that only seems to make Yoongi angrier.

“God,” Yoongi won’t look at Jimin, but it’s easy to tell how pissed he is. He bites sharply down into his lower lip. When he opens his mouth to start speaking, Jimin thinks it looks like it’s bleeding, “Why did you call me over here for this? Couldn’t you just text me? Tell your mom I dumped you and get it all over with? Tell her yourself that you’re an asshole? Or is she here, now? Were you hoping to stage an entire goddamn fight so she’d believe it was all real? Did you give her so little reason to fucking trust you that you have to do all this bullshit?” Yoongi tears into Jimin and he won’t cry but he can feel the heat of tears prickling at the edges of his eyes.

“No! She’s not even here! It just felt weird to do over the phone!” Jimin tries to explain, but Yoongi is shaking his head, and Jimin doesn’t think he’s even really listening.

“You’re the one that keeps bringing up that it was all fucking fake! What’s it even matter how we break up?” Yoongi asks, but Jimin has no answer.

“Why are you so mad?” Jimin asks, and he hates the sound of his own voice, he hates that he can hear himself getting choked up over a stupid fake relationship with Jihoon’s stupid annoying brother, “Why are you being so mean? We were both waiting for this!”

“Why were we waiting six fucking months? Why now?”

“I have a real boyfriend now!” Jimin bursts, shouting over Yoongi so he’ll finally just listen.

Yoongi snorts and Jimin hates the way the sound makes him feel. He hates seeing Yoongi’s demenor change. He watches the older boy shift from fired up, from angrier than Jimin’s ever seen him to nothing but vulnerable. Yoongi looks soft and insecure and a little fearful and somehow the mix of it just makes him look small.

He still sounds harsh, but his voice doesn’t match his expression, “So you were just keeping me around until something better came along?”

“No! Not something better! Something real! You were my fake boyfriend!” Jimin is the one who’s shouting now. He resents Yoongi’s implication that Jimin was stringing him along, or using him, which, technically, he was, but Yoongi agreed to it.

Yoongi looks up at Jimin, finally, head still tilted towards the ground. He stares at Jimin through his lashes, and quietly, he asks, “Did I mean anything to you?”

Jimin doesn’t understand the question (or his own feelings) and he won’t until much later, when he’s calm and it might be too late, and he replies, “No, of course not.”

Yoongi nods, dejected, as though it’s the answer he expected, “Okay, Jimin. Alright. It’s fucking over.”

Yoongi turns to leave and Jimin doesn’t stop him. He isn’t sure why Yoongi’s retreating figure hurts him so bad. He got everything he wanted, didn’t he?

When you're in love all the lines get blurred ( YoonMin / Jimin - Yoongi / BTS )Where stories live. Discover now