Chapter 17

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Jimin hasn’t been visiting the convenience store as often, or, really, hanging out with Yoongi at all. He’s not sure if it’s him or Yoongi, but, he doesn’t ask to see Yoongi as much anymore and Yoongi doesn’t answer as often when he does, so he thinks it’s a mix.

He’s not really sure why Yoongi is avoiding him, he thought that they had gotten closer, especially after the night Yoongi told Jimin all about his dreams for the future. There was a moment, towards the end, where Yoongi was talking about where he saw himself, like, ten years later and Jimin casually made a comment assuming he would also be in Yoongi’s life. Yoongi got quieter, but didn’t disagree. Jimin hadn’t thought much of it at the time, but, as he walked home, he wondered when Yoongi had become important enough to Jimin that he hoped, and he did, he could feel in deep in his chest, when it came up, that he would get to be there, right there, to see Yoongi’s inevitable rise to fame. It scared him, a little, the idea that he was starting to care so much about Yoongi when it was all supposed to be fake, and he couldn’t help but wonder if his assumption that they were friends now was what made Yoongi never reply to his texts.

He’s thinking maybe they should just, finally, a month late, go through with their fake break up. Especially when his mom sees him slumped on the couch with the television off after an early practice and comments that she hasn’t seen Yoongi in a while and Jimin seems sulky about it.

He also resents the idea that he’s sulking over Yoongi, because he’s not. Yoongi is not worth it. Claiming he’s just bored because Jihoon is busy studying for entrance exams (he also resents that Yoongi said Jihoon was Jimin’s only friend, but he was kind of right) his mom suggests he just go have some fun on his own, which, somehow leads Jimin to standing in a messy music store, browsing CDs of genres he’s never been interested in before. It seems like the kind of place Yoongi would love and Jimin briefly thinks about texting him to ask if he’d like to meet, but doesn’t want to disturb the older boy.

Jimin finds a CD in a stack that he can’t quite figure out the organization of, but sounds familiar. It takes him a while to place its title in his memory. After a few minutes of staring at the cover, he suddenly remembers a conversation he and Yoongi had maybe a month and a half earlier, where Yoongi mentioned the group as one he was interested in hearing more from.

On impulse, Jimin buys the CD and leaves the shop, taking a right towards Yoongi’s house instead of heading straight back towards his.

He’s oddly nervous as he walks, wondering if Yoongi will like it, or think it’s weird, or, maybe he already has it. By the time Jimin thinks maybe he should just turn around and go home, he’s already at the edge of Yoongi’s driveway. He steels himself, reminds himself that it’s just Yoongi, who he’s known forever, and it’s just a CD, it doesn’t matter. With a newfound determination, Jimin walks up to the door and knocks.

“Ah, hyung!” Jimin startles when Yoongi opens the door not two seconds later, “You’re awake?!”

“Yeah, I’m going to meet Hoseok and Namjoon in a few minutes,” Yoongi says, and Jimin notices that he’s fully dressed and already wearing his shoes with a bag slung across his chest, “Jihoon isn’t here right now. Don’t you usually text him before coming?”

“Oh, right, yeah, I, well,” Jimin stammers, holding the CD half behind his back, “I was just, out, and I saw something, I’m actually, I came to see you, I just realized I probably should’ve texted, I thought you might be asleep, sorry, but, you’re not, so it’s okay I guess, uh, just…”

“Hey,” Yoongi starts, unusually kind. Normally he seems more annoyed when Jimin can’t get his thoughts out right, “It’s okay. I’m here. What did you need?”

Jimin smiles gratefully and brings out the CD, waving it towards Yoongi, “I just was out at this cool music store, and I found this, and it made me think of you, and something you’d talked about before? So I got it for you.”

Yoongi takes the CD, slowly, looking oddly suspicious for someone who has just received a gift. He flips it over a few times, reading the front and back, and then opens it to see the CD and the leaflet inside, his expression shifting to one of happy surprise.

“Thanks,” Yoongi says, eventually, and if Jimin had to name his tone, he might call it touched, “I’ve actually wanted this for a while.”

Yoongi gives Jimin a happy little grin and it kind of feels like Jimin just won the lottery. He slides the CD into his bag and the two of them stand there, smiling at each other, neither of them saying anything. After a minute passes, Yoongi glances at his shoes, and the over Jimin’s shoulder, and a little awkwardly, asks, “Do you want to come?”


“To see Hoseok and Namjoon with me,” Yoongi clarifies.

Jimin’s grin widens and he has to stop himself from physically bouncing as his mood skyrockets, “I’d love to.”

Yoongi looks at him, still wearing that little smile, and says, “Cool.”

When you're in love all the lines get blurred ( YoonMin / Jimin - Yoongi / BTS )Where stories live. Discover now