Chapter 30

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Jimin knows that Yoongi gave Jihoon the okay to invite him back over, but he still feels awkward and nervous as he steps up to the door. He’s not sure what it’s going to be like to see Yoongi, or how he should act, and, oh my god, what if he opens the door? Jimin doesn’t know what he’s going to do. He actually sighs in relief when Jihoon is the one that lets him in, smiling excitedly and giving him a friendly punch on the shoulder right before pulling him into a quick hug.

“Finally! I haven’t seen you in forever!”

“You were over four days ago,” Jimin points out as he follows Jihoon inside.

“Yeah, but, your room doesn’t have air conditioning and it’s disgusting,” Jihoon replies, looking away from Jimin as he climbs the stairs.

Jimin stops at the bottom step for a moment, getting distracted by the sight of Yoongi asleep on the couch. While he knew that Yoongi did, in fact, live with Jihoon, he hadn’t anticipated seeing him so quickly. Normally, Yoongi is out or locked up in his room. Other than at family dinners, Jimin rarely saw him around the house, even when they were fake dating and close friends. There was a specific division of Jihoon and Jimin and Yoongi and Jimin and when Jimin was with Jihoon, Yoongi was, most often, off on his own.

Yoongi looks beautiful when he’s asleep, as Jimin had long since realized, but seeing it now brings back a rush of feelings that Jimin thought were gone. It’s strange. He’s experienced them all, at different times in varying intensities, but it’s the first time he understands, and fuck-

“Hey,” Jihoon calls from the landing, “are you coming?”

Jimin looks up at Jihoon in surprise and nods. He spares one last glance at Yoongi before jogging up the stairs and into Jihoon’s room.

They’re in there for only a few minutes before Jimin bursts, “I think I’m in love with your brother.”

Jihoon doesn’t seem shocked or bothered by the statement, just keeps toying with the game in his hands, “Maybe you should tell him that, instead of me.”

That idea had not occurred to Jimin.

“Really? I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

“He didn’t come home crying after your fake break up for nothing,” Jihoon doesn’t call Jimin an idiot, but his eyes are saying it loud and clear.

“Yeah, and he probably hates me,” Jimin says, and the thought makes his stomach clench painfully.

“I’m pretty sure he doesn’t hate you,” Jihoon claims.

“What if he says no?” Jimin stalls.

Jihoon gives Jimin that same tired, you’re-an-idiot-and-i-don’t-know-why-i-put-up-with-it look that both he and Yoongi have perfected, “He didn’t the first time.”

“What if-“

“Jimin!” Jihoon drops his game entirely to focus exclusively on Jimin, “You always just dive head first into whatever shit sounds good to you! You never think about consequences or how hard it might be, you just go for shit, and that’s what makes you so amazing! So, just, go downstairs, and tell my dumb brother that you love him, and if he says he hates you, you can come up here, and cry about it, and we’ll put his mattress in the backyard once he leaves for work and hang out at your house for another month!”

When you're in love all the lines get blurred ( YoonMin / Jimin - Yoongi / BTS )Where stories live. Discover now