Chapter Sixteen

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"Morning Em," Ponyboy says with a gentle smile. Sitting up in bed, I can feel my bones ache and my head throb. I've been sleeping in Darry's room at night for the past week, he said he doesn't mind making room for me. Plus, he doesn't like me sleeping in the living room all of the time.

"Morning, Ponyboy."

"Everyone is going out, you wanna come?"

"Don't you have school today Ponyboy?"

"I mean, yah I did. But Darry said I could stay with you before Soda and him left for work." As he talks a small country twang reveals itself.

"Okay, I'll go. Let me get dressed then."

He pushes himself off of the bed with his arms and says, "I'm gonna get Johnnycake with Two-bit, he passed out in the lot last night." I nod as he leaves the room. Listening to the front door slam, I grab my back pack that lies on the spotless floor. Darry likes to keep his room clean, unlike Ponyboy and Sodapop who have books, papers and socks scattered all along the floor.

I turn to the window, so my back is facing the open door. I pull of my t-shirt and sweatpants and put on a little yellow sundress. The smell of cancer sticks fills my nose as I pull my hair out of the braid. Turning, I see someone standing in the doorway.

I jump, "Oh crap!"

Dallas laughs at me and takes a drag in his cigarette. "Hey, baby," he says, his tone level.

"Well gosh, Dal. You didn't have to stand there and watch me as I dressed." I cross my arms in front of my stomach, feeling uncomfortable.

"Princess," he says as I push past him, "it's nothin' I haven't seen before." I roll my eyes and pull on my boots that sit by the front door.

"Because that makes me feel a lot better." I say quietly, sarcasm in my voice. He shrugs as he flops down on the couch.

"Well baby, all I gotta say is, I wanna see more."

Ponyboy's Point Of View

Johnnycake, Two-bit, Dal, Emily, Morgan and I walked around town and got a coke from the Dingo.

At first Morgan didn't want to ditch school, I feel almost bad for talking her out of it, but I'm glad I did. I really like her, in all her weirdness, her obsessions, her awkwardness and how timid she is when she meets someone new. I love every part of her, even though she is a little strange, I love how her creative side stands out in everything she does. I can't get over her beautiful, bright blue eyes either. With dark green and blue flecks showing themselves occasionally in her inner iris. Her long brown hair is a little crazy at times, almost a reflection of who she is on the inside. Sometimes it's wavy or curly or straight, but most times it's a mix of all of them. Small braids find a home in random spots in her hair. I've never known a girl like Morgan, and I don't think I'll ever know another one again. I really hope our relationship lasts.

"Ponyboy," Morgan says excitedly to my left, "can we go in?" She points to a small record store. I shrug as a smile spreads across my face.

"If it's okay with everyone else." I gesture to Johnny and the rest of the guys, by that time Emily has already grabbed her hand and headed into the store. I laugh and follow them in.

We disperse all over, Dallas and Emily head to the back. Johnny, surprisingly, goes on his own and takes a seat on the floor and goes through a box by the front. Two-bit talks to the pretty blonde girl behind the counter, guessing by the way her nose wrinkled up when she laughed, he told a dirty joke.

I follow Morgan around to the middle of the store. As she goes through a box I wrap my arms around her waist and rest my chin on her head. Since she's so much shorter than me, I can easily do this.


Emily sets a few Elvis records on the counter, I'm not surprised, and Morgan excitedly, yet gently, sets two Beatles records on the counter next to Elvis. After we pay for them, the blonde woman hands Morgan the bag and Two-bit a slip of paper. As we leave the store I watch as Morgan clutches the bag to her chest, a smile spread widely across her face. Dallas stands close to Emily, like she's a puppy that needs to be watched. He doesn't even stick to Johnny like this, it's weird for Dal. It's different.

"Hey, Ponyboy," Two-bit says handing me the paper, "that pretty blonde girl and I talked a lot and she said we can use the cabins her and her family use when they camp. As long as I take her on a date, that's already set up though. It's out in the country by a forest and a lake. Just like you always wanted, Ponyboy."

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