Chapter 1

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"I swear to god Fish I will punch you in the nose! Let go of my boot! What!? No not in there!" I ran after my dog seeing as he once again got a hold of one of my boots and dropped it in the toilet. Again.

I sighed picking up the now soaked leather boot from the toilet. Glaring at my dog that currently had the stupidest proudest face. "Pinche cabron you're lucky I just sealed them!"

Well this is a pretty normal day for me. I'm Amelia Aragon but everybody just calls me Amy. Really I find it weird that's the nickname people correlate with me but oh well.

I live alone in the house I grew up in. My inheritance if you will. My dad passed away a few years back and left the house under my name. My mother, well she left us when I was only 3 so I don't remember much. I just recently graduated from college with a degree in Forensic Science and still have not gotten a job in the field. Pretty pathetic but I couldn't care less.

At the moment I was trying to get my pet dog Fish, yes that's his name, it was my dad's idea not mine, to stop getting to my boots. If you couldn't tell, it isn't going well.

"Fish come on! I was going to wear these to work!" I screamed at him and just gave up going back to my room, great.

I sighed and decided my black docs were today's option. Wow so much sighing huh? I was about to sit down until I heard the sound of my annoying ringtone sound off. "I wonder who it could be."

Getting off the bed, I walked to my computer where my phone was and checked the caller id.

"A call from Norway? Could it be the twins?" I asked to myself and answered. "Hello? Amelia speaking." I asked to the caller.

"Amy!" I heard the loud voice from the call and instantly recognized its owner.

"U-Uncle Thomas!?"

"Glad you remember me, how are you?"

"I-I'm doing good, long time since you called. How's everyone? Is everything alright?"

"We're all good, Aaron and Erin are currently in the studio at work. I was calling because I know it's been a few years since your dad passed but I wanted to talk to you about coming back to work with us?"

I bit my lip and stayed quiet dreading the topic of my father and the past I left behind. "I know you don't want to be in the spotlight again and I get that, I'm not asking you to do that. Your contract still stands Amy, you won't have to worry about anything!"

"What will I be doing then?"

"I need a manager for a new band I just signed. I know you'd fit the job perfectly, I'll even cover your housing for you and your trip here. Please Amy?"

I sighed and gave in "I'll do it, when would I be leaving?"

I'm Your BossTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon