Chapter 8

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My breakfast consisted of just a cup of coffee, I don't really eat anything till lunch which was always a reason for my aunt to yell at me.

After I finished my coffee I gave myself a quick warm up and ran a couple miles while the boys ate their breakfast.

Crazy? Maybe. But I'm fair. I am not forcing the boys to do something I wouldn't do. In this case, as their coach, I'll be coaching them the way I always trained. Lots and lots of exercise.

Once the boys had came back outside, I looked at them and blew my whistle like a high school drum major. "Good morning boys! Welcome to my bootcamp! I am Amelia and you WILL call me ma'am when we are here."

The boys looked at me confused. "Bootcamp? I thought you were our singing coach not a drill sergeant" said Emil.

"My dear boys, don't question me methods of coaching, I guarantee you that it works. I used to coach the one and only Crystal Rose. If my training was good enough for her it certainly is good for you. Now let's start off with some stretching and then a few laps around the block!" I said and lead them in stretching.

After about an hour and only having done 2 laps, Emil was drying of exhaustion on the floor, Matthias gloating on how he managed to finish the laps first, Tino and Berwald doing extra stretches to stay warmed up, Lukas aiding Emil.

"Maybe we should a take a break before we move on to breathing exercises?" I say after looking at a wheezing Emil on the floor.

Maybe I over estimated their physical capability. At least the singing part shoild be easy right?

-----Time skip----


Who knew Mattias would have such a high singing voice but very little air capacity in his lungs. Lukas was was way too quiet and Emil was very shy. Tino sang good; Tino= good boy. Berwald was amazing at reading music and understanding musical terminology.

"You boys are a mess, let's go all the way to basics shall we?" I grab a keyboard and a stand and begin to play a scale.

"Alright, the first thing any choir singer needs to learn, is solfege. So I want you guys to repeat after me and match my pitch as well. Ready?" I look up and see nodding and begin withe the first note

"We're going to hold each note for 4 counts, if you struggle to hold the note that long tell me and we can go back to more breathing exercises. Ready. And a 1 and 2. And a 1 2 3 4. Do. Re. Mi. Fa. Sol. La. Ti. Do. Now down the scale ready, go. Ti. La. Sol. Fa. Mi. Re. Do."

When I cued them to stop I look up and see a few of them were a bit out of breath. "Ok, maybe a few more exercises, let's take deep breathes in, do it slowly so you can take up the whold count and then breathe out the same. Let's start on 8 counts in and 12 counts out"

"That makes no sense for us to do 8 in and 12 out. Shouldn't it be the same amout we take in we take ou-" I smashed my hand against the keyboard in annoyance, cutting off Lukas from his sentence.

"I'm sorry Lukas, do you know what to do? You want to coach yourself? No? Then let me do my job. This exercise is to help you take in air and be possible to use that limited amount of air to push out notes for a prolonged period of time. If you take in 8 counts of air and push out 8 counts of air how is that teaching you to stretch out the notes? Please don't question my teachings Lukas. And once again. Don't doubt my abilities."

I glared at him only to receive a glare back. I take he wasn't used to being proven wrong.

Lukas you have no idea who I am but it's not someone to question.

A/N: wooooooo i'm not dead, sorry for the lack of uploads, with my busy schedule my free time is spent on sleeping and eating. Sorry again and hope you enjoy this chapter! Would you guys like a bonus chapter next? If so what kind? We can do a look into her past just name something you want to know or if you want a random?

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