Chapter 11

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After the meeting with Erin and Aaron, we were able to come up with a new song using the binder of samples I had. We also managed to discuss the future of the group and the next live performance which is to take place next week on a talk show.

Before leaving they both called me over. "Did we miss something? I thought we went over the necessary topics." I asked walking over to them.

I see Erin place a neatly wrapped box on the conference table and Aaron open it up. "Hope you don't think we forgot, we know you would have wished to spend the day with Uncle Daniel, but we just couldn't let you spend the day alone. Our dad actually wanted you to come over for dinner." Said Aaron. He was the more sensible one out of the both of them. Erin had her own way of caring, so with that being said, I know she was the one who got me the cake.

"Tell your dad I said thanks but a day like this I like to distract myself," I rub my arm trying to force a smile that was making me feel uncomfortable.

"Well regardless, take the cake and try to enjoy yourself, it's what your dad would have wanted." Erin said. I nod and accept the cake that Erin was offering me. I feel arm bring me into a hug and my breathing hitched.

Once I got back to the house, I make my way to see Lukas sitting on the table sipping at a cup of coffee. I put the cake on the table and grab Pin Clip Boy's cup of coffee out of his hand earning me a stern and slightly angry glare.

"You did not just-!" I cut him off by putting my finger up and drinking the coffee.

"Amelia that was my coffee! You can't seriously-!" I once again cut him off as I was actually planning to finish the coffee in one go.

It was almost a full cup.

Once I finished I put the mug in the sink and opened the box of cake. "Coffee was weak, anyhow you were saying?" I ask grabbing a knife and serving two slices of cake.

"Are you serious? You literally snatched the coffee out of my hand, drank almost the whole thing, and still criticised it?" he practically yelled at me prompting me to roll my eyes.

"How cute, you think I care for your feelings. Reminder, I'm more important. Now shush and have some cake." I say placing a plate and fork in front of him and take a seat across from Lukas.

He rolled his eyes but stayed quiet while accepting my peace offering. See everyone, cake solves all the world's problem.

"I thought you were going to Thomas to celebrate something," he takes a bite out of the cake.

I stop half way before taking a bite and inhaled sharply. I smiled and out my fork down, "yeah they invited me over to celebrate someone's birthday. I declined the invite due to some work I had to do. Which speaking of, I should get to. Excuse me"

I grab my plate and stand up, I smile at Lukas before making my way up to my room.

Lukas Pov

I had gotten a call from Erin earlier about Amelia probably not going to an event. Erin was a good friend of mine and was one of the first people I made friends with when we got involved in this world. I had actually set her up with her partner and always keep in touch.

When she had told me about Amelia, she had mentioned to me how emotionally complex and challenging Amy could be.

When I brought up the topic of the event I saw Amelia's hands tense and her nose twitch. Her facial expression became sollom and the mood around her became to feel empty.

When Amelia excused herself and went upstairs, I got up and looked over to what the cake said.

Happy Birthday Uncle Daniel

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2019 ⏰

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