Chapter 4

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"Hvem er du?" Says one with spiky gravity defying blonde locks.

"Uhhh, I'm sorry but I only speak English, Spanish and very little Norwegian, who are you?" I ask eyeing them suspiciously as to why a group of 5 men are in my house.

They all look at each other and then back at me. "We're the people that live here, I'm Lukas" says the one with a cross pin on his hair, a shorter one with white hair raises his hand and timidly says "E-Emil".

The one with the weird hair grins and says, very loudly may I add, "Matthias Køhler here!"

"I'm Tino" said a super friendly one and motioned to the tall one behind him with a hard expression "and this is Berwald." I take mental note that I like this one. This Tino good Tino, he's nice.

"Alright that's all fine and dandy, I'm Amelia by the way, but why are you guys here, Thomas didn't mention anybody else living here."

"Wait Thomas? As in Thomas Jacobsen? From Myriad Records? Asked the spiky haired one.

"Uh yeah, he's my uncle but not my uncle but is still my uncle but not really but I call him uncle." I say feeling myself smirk as I see Tino, Emil, and Matthias give a confused face.

"He's our boss and we actually have a meeting with him later, we can go talk to him." Said the stoic Lukas, pin clip boy.

"I have a meeting with him too, but I think I'll call him first to check it out" I take my phone out of my pocket and look for his contact before pressing call. "Amy? Our meeting isn't till 5, I have some people for you to meet and go over what you'll be doing, why the call?"

"Uncle Thomas, I was not aware that there was people living in the house."

"Oh I guess you met them already, I didn't know they would be home so early, but yes I'll explain the situation during our meeting. Don't worry Amy, they'll be at the meeting too. Under professional business, tell them you'll be living there and that I'll explain everything later, now if you'll excuse me I got a meeting in a bit, is there anything else you wanted to ask or anything you need?"

"Um no, I guess not, thank you Uncle Thomas, I guess I'll see you later." I said hanging up and looking at the very blonde group of boys in front of me.

Well I guess I'll be the odd duck with my NORMAL dark brown hair.

"So he basically said we're housemates for reasons that will be discussed during our meeting with him-"

"Wait wait, 'we'?" Said the little white head boy I've come to know is named Emil.

"Yes 'we' we'll be discussing the whole situation, for the mean time, weird question, do you have dog food?"

A/N: yaaaaaay another chapter! Short but a chapter!

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