Chapter 2

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He gave me 2 weeks to give my current job a heads up about me resigning. How would my aunt Maria react to this? I'll just go visit and give her the news.

Currently I'm writing my resignation letter. "Fish do you think it'll be good to go back to Norway?" I looked over to him and he was just trying to chew on his paw which is hurting him but he doesn't seen to realize that's where the pain is coming from.

"Fish, for a dog you're awfully stupid." I laugh at him. I love Fish, I remembered when my dad brought him home, day one and he had already figured out where our food belonged. Now I have a lock on my fridge because of him.

"You know your name makes me hungry?" I say glancing at the dog once I finished the letter. Good thing aunt Maria owns a seafood restaurant. "Alright Fish, I'm gonna drop off the letter and while I'm there get lunch."

Packing my backpack and grabbing my keys I head out the door making sure fish had his toys and water bowl full.

I walked out the house and head to my car. I sit in my car and think. This is a big step, I haven't done anything with music since my dad...

Shaking my head, I start the car and drive out of the driveway. Maybe I should turn on the radio and listen to music.

The first station the comes up and I hear the hostess introduce a new band. Nordic 5 is what I believe she said. What the hell kind of name is that?

I shrug and keep listening, maybe I'll like them??

Off the bat the first guy singing has a very high pitch, probably a tenor? Almost an alto and that's usually females.

After a while I arrive to my aunt's restaurant/ the place I worked at. Entering the restaurant I hear the faint mexican soap opera on the t.v. and smile when I see my aunt cleaning the counter.

"Hi tia Maria!" I smile and go to give her a hug and a kiss on her cheek. "Hi mija, why you here? You're not scheduled for today." She says a little confused.

I sit at the counter and look over the menu as a habit, even though I knew everything on the menu. "I came to get some lunch and talk to you."

"Of course, gorda you're always eating, so what do you want to talk about?" She said putting away the cleaning cloth and pouring me some agua de jaimaca (a juice made from hibiscus flowers, sugar, and water, and sometimes lime. If ya haven't had you're missing out).

"I think I'll have some empanadas de camaron," (shrimp empanadas for those who don't speak spanish) I put the menu and look up at my aunt with a serious expression.

"I brought you a letter of resignation" I said as straight forward as possible and as serious as I can be.

"Did you finally get a job as an actual scientist?" She said smirking at me, "por fin Amelia, ya estaba empezando a pensar que ibas a quedar trabajando aquí por el resto de tu vida!" (1) She said laughing at me slipping into spanish.

I rolled my eyes and sipped my drink "no, I got a call from Uncle Thomas, you know, my dad's best friend? You remember right?" I ask a little more uncertain.

She stopped and looked at me in surprise "are you going back to s-" i quickly cut off.

"No! I mean no tia, he offered me a different kind of job this time, you know I won't go back to doing that, I can't find it in me to do that anymore... not in front of people at least..." my eyes go down to my drink staring at the dark red drink in front me.

"Aye mija, I really wish you would do it again, I don't think your dad would have liked to see you give up that dream and passion" she walked from behind the counter and over to my side to hug me.

"Can we not talk about this? Anyhow, I'll be heading to Norway in 2 weeks and just wanted to tell you." I said forcing a smile on my face.

"Well I think it'll be nice for you to go and explore more so you have my support, but they don't have mexican candy over there so I'll be sending you some" she said nudging my side and going back to tell my uncle Jorge my order. I sigh and think this over. Will I be able to handle it?

A/N: How you guys liking it? Hope you guys are enjoying it! I'll put translations at the bottom of the page.

(1)about time Amelia! I was starting to think you were goint to stay working here for the rest of your life!

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