Chapter 5

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-at the meeting-

I sat, in front of my uncle, awkwardly put in the middle of the twins who were currently fonding over me and how my hair has gotten more "volume".

"Honestly Amy, your hair used to be the butt of many jokes with how plain you used to have it" said Erin as she kept petting me like a dog.

"Forget volume, look how short she cut it!" Aaron said. In my defense it was much shorter when I first cut it, now it was shoulder length.

"Ok nice to see you guys too but can you please stop? I came for a professional meeting we can have a personal one later. So Uncle Thomas, care to explain?"

"Ah I guess it would make sense that I did" he said looking over his menu. "Well, Amy, these fine gentlemen here will be the band you're going to manage and coach. I know that your expertise in music will greatly help them and seeing as you have some 'experience' you would do a good job at being their manager."

"So I'm the all blonde boy band's boss?" I ask with question.

"Yeah Amy, dad actually thought it would be a great idea for you to share a house with then to not only create bond but be more efficient with scheduling" said Erin.

"Hmm I likes, so what are you boys called? 5 Guys and a hair clip?" I ask with a small smirk trying to avoid laughing at my own joke. I'm hilarious.

"We're called the Nordic 5!" Said spiky dude.

"Wait, you're that band? Huh I heard you guys on the radio, not my cup of tea but not bad" I said nodding my head and looking over at my uncle.

"Well I'll accept the offee and think this will be a good job" I smiled and then picked up my menu.

"So twins, what have you been up to lately?"

"Well Erin and I have actually been working for the studio, Erin writes songs and I help with producing the music. We'll actually be on your team so you'll be our boss from time to time"

I nodded and looked at the blonde chaos of guys in front of me. "Well I think tomorrow we can get started on the easy stuff" I smiled putting my menu down.

"I think we're well past the easy stuff, our latest single made it on the top 10 in Norway" said clip boy causing me to smirk.

"Oh hun, you don't know easy. I'm classically trained in chorus. Not to mention a song writer as well as trained in several musical instruments not including voice so when I say we're starting easy I mean professionally gdtting started. Are we clear? If not save your questions during the process." With that they stayed quiet and my uncle smirked at me. Feels good to still conjure up that sense of authority.

-time skip to after the meeting and they're at home because I'm lazy and tired-

When we got back home I was happily greeted by a not so graceful Fish barking up my leg. "Fish! How's my good boy?" I say kneeling down and scratching behind his ears. "You named you dog Fish?" Said a voice behind me.

"Hey Emil, and yes, yes I did, can you guess what I named my fish?" I asked continuing to pet Fish.

"Did you name it Dog?"

"No silly, I don't have fish, and I would name it Poseidon" I  got up and let Fish run away freely. "Anyhow, I think you should get to bed early because we've got an early day tomorrow to get started" I said patting his shoulder and walking to the kitchen where I bumped into Tino.

"Wow you boys are everywhere" Tino just smiled and began to take stuff out for what I assumed was hot chocolate. 

"Well I believe it's only natural Amelia. We do live here after all" he said and I opened the cupboard to get dog food.

"You have a point there Tino, well I already told Emil but you should get to bed early tonight, we got an early morning to prepare for." I grabbed a dog bowl and filled it enough for Fish, before I left the kitchen I looked over to Tino, "if you could warn Lukas, Matthias, and Berwald that'd be great."

I made my way up the stairs, for some reason I had a tune in my head that was begging to be found on a violin. While in my train of thought I accidentally bumped into someone and looked up to see Pin Clip Boy.

A/N: heeeey well even though i'm on a break from school I still got day long practices so uploading will still take a while.

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