Chapter 9

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After the whole training, I dismissed everyone and went back to my room.

I had to set up my office and get ready to start writing songs for them.

Opening a box my breathing hitches as I see a picture frame.

Why do I have this packed? I thought I got rid of it.

A thought hits me and I grab my phone. After the third and a half ring I'm greeted with the voice of my aunt Maria.

"Hey Amy, everything okay? Why you calling so soon?"

"Tia, did you put that family photo in my bag?"

"What photo mija? I don't know what you-"

"Tia did you put that photo in my lugage?" I ask desperately.

"Amelia, I don't like the idea of you living your life resenting your mother. It hurts to see you completely disregard anything about my sister. Have you even tried to reach out to her? Maybe she's changed. Can you really hate her? Amy you are so much like her. I'm sure if you try you'd get along and forgive he-"

"Tia no. I can't bare to ever talk to that woman. She hurt my father and abandoned us. Her family! What kind of mother does that!? And if she really wanted to make amends she herself would have put the effort to see me! Hell even go to my father's-!" I cut myself off before continuing. "I've lived the majority of my life without her and I am doing perfectly fine! I am getting rid of that photo and please stop interfering with this matter tia. I didn't need her then and I don't need her now! Adios tia, I'll call you tomorrow."

"Wait Amelia-" and with that I hung up the phone. With another glance at the photo my pent up anger took over causing me to throw the picture frame across the room.

My head turned to the doorway when a knock caught my attention.

"I heard yelling. It's hard to concentrate with yelling. And when I saw you yelling on the phone you seemed distressed and wanted to wait for your conversation to end before I could get your attention. But seems like I came at a bad time when you flung that photo across the room." Lukas said with a hint of mild amusement in his voice.

"H-Hello Lukas. I'm sorry you had to see that. Aaand hear that. Don't worry i'm finished with that conversation so I'll keep my voice down." I said in a slight embarrassed and awkward tone while walking over to where the broken glass and frame lay in the floor. Light footsteps make their way to where I am and out of the corner of my eye I see Lukas.

"You know I can clean this up on my own, no need to help" I said slightly annoyed but trying to be nice. It's a lot harder to be nice to this guy. He walks around with a stick up his. Maybe that's how he has good posture?

"Just accept the help when it's offered Amelia, besides, you seem like you can use someone to talk to and I'm here to offer my services."

My face scrunches up. "Listen Lukas... I appreciate the offer, but I can handle things on my own and don't need to depend on anyone. I just need to control my temper, which is going very well." 

And with that I pick up the last piece of glass and the photo. We make our way to the trash can and with one last glance at the photo I throw it in the bin and go back to my luggage until a certain pin clip boy grabbed my arm.

"Amelia, I'm serious, please if you need to get something off your chest just tell me"

"Lukas, my personal life is what it is. Personal. Stop trying to bud into something you have no obligation to be apart of. I intend to keep this relationship professional. I can handle this on my own. So please, do mind your own business. My life is not for something you should familiarize yourself with." With that, I pushed his hand off my wrist and lead him out the door before locking it. 

Can't I just get the time and space to finish unpacking? 

Oh look my old violin.


A/N: how long has it been since I last uploaded a chapter for this book? Anyhow, anybody else in the LA area dealing with the teacher strike? Are you guys going to school during the strike?

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